Easy & Smart Beauty Hacks For Glowing Skin In Winters

Winters are on the peak. The cold breeze, sunny days, and foggy nights will not spare anyone. This mainly affects your natural glowing skin that naturally turns your skin’s moisture and hydration. Resultant, this gives patchy and dull skin that drastically reduce the glow of your skin.

Well, everyone loves winters, but when it comes to meet with patchy skin and dull appearance. No one wants winters should come. But, no one-stop this. So, for keeping your skin glowing and healthy we have shared some perfect beauty hacks that ensure your skin remains to look glowing and beautiful.

5 Smart beauty hacks for natural glowing skin in winters

1. Put lip-balm in your pocket

Lips are delicate parts of the skin that affects quickly in winters. Dry and chapped lips look disgraceful but cause pain too. To avoid such conditions, you need to moist your lips by putting good lip balm after every hour. You can choose a flavor from the market for lip color and moisture both. You can even go for tinted lip balms.

2. Moisturizers

Today, the market is full of BB & CC cream with a moisturizer that offers complete makeup finish. You can use it at the place of foundation. This not only nourishes your skin but also give even skin tone for a long time.

3. Use sponges for natural glowing skin

If you are a person who uses fingers instead of sponges for makeup finish then do avoid it. In winters, fingers are too dry and this causes difficulty in blending makeup. Use a sponge for a better finish and glow.

4. Avoid compact

Well, the compact is one that women don’t forget. But in winter you should. To get a better finish you can go with a Read More

Some Important Tips To Make Skin Hydrated And Smooth

Tips To Make Skin Hydrated And Smooth

The best skin does not matter of DNA. Our skin is very delicate so we have to care for our skin. As we all know the skin already has its natural oil, this oil prevents our skin from scaling and dryness and moisturized it very well. Dryness is a very common problem happen due to using the rough chemicals and usage of dry soaps. So it is essential to make your skin smooth and hydrated every day.

So, here we are sharing some important tips for smooth and hydrated skin:

• Apply the best moisturizer

Moisturizers are very good for our body and face. Choose the best moisturizer that suits you and apply it on your body and face, it naturally moisturizes and hydrates the skin.

• Drink water more than 2 liters

Drinking water is the best natural treatment for the skin. A person almost drinks two to three liters water a day like seven to eight glass. You can also add fruits and herbs in your water whole give natural glow and smoothness to your skin.

• Don’t drink preservative drinks and all

First, you should avoid all the carbonated drinks, bottled water drinks and especially fruit canned juice because these all contain lots of sugar and harmful Preservatives which damage our body and as well as skin.

• Skin protection for smooth and hydrated skin

While traveling outside for a long time always use sun protection because when you working out for a long time in the sun your body gets dehydrated and skin makes dull all the time. So drink more and more water for hydrating your skin.

• Always pamper your skin

To pamper your skin is very important for you because a healthy body and healthy skin make a man healthy overallRead More

The 4 Beauty Tips Of Bollywood Stars That Make Their Skin Glowing And Damage Free

Beauty Tips Of Bollywood Stars

I am sure that you tried out so many beauty tips and products for your skin but some of these are worthy effective. Everyone wonder to know the top secrets of Bollywood actress. They have flawless skin without any one spot on their face. Surely you are curious to know the tip they used to make their skin glowing and good.

So, we can help you and trust me these are simply natural beauty tips of Bollywood stars that will make your skin the same like celebs.

The most effective beauty tip of Bollywood celebrities that will help you to attain the glowing skin :-

• Drink Enough Water

It is not a secret but it is a fact that drinking enough water as you can and get the beautiful, healthy and hydrated skin. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan said in her interview that it is the best tip she gave to anyone. It is not compulsory to drink must 8 glass water I mean drink just enough that you don’t feel thirsty at all.

• Always Apply Sunscreen

Apply Sunscreen on the body is the most important thing that we can do while going outside. The ultraviolet rays are very bad for our skin because it causes so many skin allergies and skin cancer. So, in rain or sunshine, you must apply sunscreen on your whole body and face to make skin smoothen and apply it 15 min before going outside. Kajol the popular Bollywood star never skips applying sunscreen on the body while outing.

• Moisturizer Is A Must

Moisturize your skin with body lotion for smooth effect. It helps you to hide the dryness and veins on your legs and arms and give a slimming effect. Kiara Advani doesn’t forget to moisture her skin.

• Exercise And Workouts

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Skin Type & Scrub Should Use

Skin Type & Scrub Should Use

Exfoliation is necessary for skin as it rids skin of unwanted dead cells and the exciting thing is that you don’t have to go for expensive spa treatments to exfoliate your facial skin. You can get the treatment at home with best exfoliating face scrub, if you know which product is right for you.

The market is full of scrubs but you should know that every product is special. First, you should know your skin type and then look for the best scrub.

Here’re four different skin types and their exfoliating face scrub

Dry Skin

Scrubs with a creamier base are more suited for dry skin as the creamy texture don’t give a dry effect. Also, it has a deep moisturizing effect on dry skin. And you get all these benefits while scrubbing the dead skin from your face. For better results, you can use a scrub with the goodness of saffron that possesses skin lightening qualities.

Oily Skin

Scrub your face with coffee, honey and oatmeal to get a healthy and glowing skin. Oil can make your skin greasy and could develop blackheads on your skin. But you can unclog your skin pores with a scrub that has the all or at least one of the above-mentioned ingredients.

Skin Type & Scrub Should Use

Skin Type & Scrub Should Use

Acne Prone Skin

You need scrubs that give a soothing effect like scrubs with cucumber and apple. These ingredients leave a soothing after effect on your skin. Also, you will get a refreshing feel with this scrub. Since acne prone skin is highly sensitive, you should go gentle on and acne prone areas.

Combination Skin Exfoliating Face Scrub

If your skin possesses the quality of two skin types then you should use gentle fruit-based scrubs. … Read More