What You Will Learn In A 10-Day Vipassana Meditation Course?
Vipassana meditation is a Buddhist way of meditating but it is widely followed by people of all faiths. It involves seeing things as they are or special seeing. Here you don’t focus on a task or image but focus on your inner self in a non-judgemental way.

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Vipassana meditation technique to understand its benefits

- Start early in the morning to get calm and tranquillity and devote 10-15 minutes of the day to meditation
- Set your yoga mat in a quieter area like your study or terrace where you can sit in the state of meditation for some time without any distraction
- Sit on the mat with your legs crossed and back straightened. Engage your core and relax your body and mind to dive into the state of meditation
- Close your eyes to connect to your inner self and breathe normally
- Focus only on your natural breath and how you feel while inhaling fresh air
- Be mindful of the natural breathing pattern and observe the thoughts coming to your mind without reacting or judging those thoughts
- Observe the thoughts and the distractions caused by those thoughts. Not attempt to react or control the thoughts to let them subside on their own
- Keep observing the thoughts and return to your normal breathing pattern. Continue the process of meditation for as long as you can
- Experience the state of meditation where you feel light, healthy, and happy. You will experience the draining of stress every time you inhale fresh air and exhale carbon-di-oxide
- Sit for 5-10 minutes in the state of meditation in the beginning and increase the meditation time as you gain experience
Tips for beginners
- If you are new to Vipassana meditation at home, you should follow some tips that will help you strengthen your breathing process and develop a focus on your breath.
- You need training on the Vipassana meditation technique and for training; you can either go to a training center or find free guided