10 Natural Ways To Treat Greasy Hair
If you feel your hair and scalp greasy even after shampooing, it is due to excess sebum released by the scalp. While it is a natural process but sometimes the hair becomes too greasy due to excess sebum. Natural treatment of greasy hair, to remove the excess oil.
Here’re 10 ways of greasy hair treatment
Tea Tree Oil
Dandruff could make your hair greasy. Use teat tree oil to fight dandruff and reduce greasiness from hair. This oil has anti-fungal properties and it can be used directly or with a carrier oil if your hair and scalp are sensitive towards tea tree oil.
• Take 30 ml of any carrier oil like coconut oil and add 15 drops of tea tree oil to it
• Shake the oil well and apply it thoroughly to your scalp and hair
• Leave it for an hour and wash with lukewarm water
• Do it 2-3 times a week
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is acidic could reduce sebum production and greasiness caused due to sebum. Research has proved that ACV could help control the greasiness of hair.
• Add 2-3 tsp of ACV into a cup of water and stir it well
• Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and clean the hair with diluted ACV solution
• Leave it for a couple of minutes and rinse off with normal water
• Repeat it 2-3 times a week

Natural Ways To Treat Greasy Hair… Read More