Which Hair Oil Best Suits To Your Hair And Why?

Best Hair Oil

Choosing the right hair oil could make a difference to your hairstyling, how you style your hair depends largely on the growth of your hair. If you have a full head of long hair, you can try any hairstyle.

Choose your hair growth oil from the following brands

Coconut Hair Oil

Packed with medium-chain triglyceride called lauric acid, coconut hair oil is good for every hair type. It penetrates the hair deeply and repairs brittle and damaged hair. Also, its high moisture content and water-retaining property protect hair against heat damage.

Brigandi Hair Oil

It is an herbal oil with antifungal and antibacterial properties that stop hair loss and prevent scalp infections. Also, its calming and earthy smell relieves stress. It is good for those facing excess hair loss, dandruff, dry hair and premature greying of hair.

Sweet Almond Hair Oil

Rich in Vitamin E, fatty acids, antioxidants and magnesium, this oil can do magic for dry, damaged and dandruff prone hair. It can moisturize hair and prevent hair from environmental pollutants. Also, regular application of the oil gives longer and thicker hair.

Best Hair Oil

Best Hair Oil

Olive Hair Oil

Known for its protective abilities, olive oil can shield keratin, the most important component of hair. Regular application of olive oil will remove the need for conditioner and hair smoothing. People with dull, damaged and dandruff prone hair would benefit by using olive oil.

Grapeseed Oil

Rich in Vitamin E that is essential for hair growth, grapeseed oil is good for controlling hair loss and stunted hair growth. Also, it will work great for … Read More

Is Dry Shampooing Beneficial For My Hair?

Dry Shampooing Benefits

Your hair needs regular cleaning but it is neither possible nor good to wash your hair regularly. But you can dry shampoo your hair between regular washes and observe the benefits.

Dry shampoo is easier to use and it gives many benefits.

Add volume to your hair

It is a bonus. If you wash your hair with dry shampoo, you will feel of if your locks are blown out. And this feeling of fullness is in addition to the freshness that the dry shampoo gives. For better results, you should use the dry shampoo over damp hair.

Save your hair color

Wet shampoo removes hair color every time it is applied to the colored hair. You can use dry shampoo intermittently to keep your hair clean and protect the color from damage by shampoo. In this way, you can make your hair color last longer.

Dry Shampooing Benefits

Dry Shampooing Benefits

Stretch out a blow dry

It is difficult to stretch out a fabulous professional blow dry, if you use regular wet shampoo to clean your locks. But a water-less dry shampoo can do the job. It is a better option to keep your hair clean without compromising on the results of a professional blow dry.

Nourish your hair with natural oils

Locks get much nourishment from natural oils found on the scalp but oils can’t reach out to the total length of the extremely curly or long hair. Dry shampoo absorbs the natural oils on the scalp and allows the oils ample time to reach out to the tip of hair.

Precautions with dry shampoo

There’s little doubt that a dry shampoo gives a plethora of benefits but too … Read More