5 Makeup Tips For Your Old Mascara Wand
What do you of the mascara wand once the mascara is used up? If your answer is throwing the wand out then this blog is going to change your opinion forever. A mascara wand is a makeup accessory that you can use even when you aren’t using mascara. Or in other words, you can find more uses for the wand.
Some Potential Makeup Tips for Uses Of Mascara Wand
If you look at a wand, you will find that it is a handy tool that can be used for grooming eyebrows, setting dry hair, exfoliating lips, and improving your eyelashes. And you can use your old mascara wands without any training. But you need to sanitize the wand properly before it is made to use.
Here’re 5 makeup tips for uses of your old mascara wands
Brush Your Eyebrows
Thinking of throwing your old mascara wand just because you haven’t used it for a long time! If yes, then think again as it can still be used for makeup especially grooming your eyebrows. Whether you want to apply brow gel to your eyebrows or simply want to brush the eyebrow hair to get neat and tidy eyebrows, your old mascara wand is the right tool for the job. A mascara wands can help in softening the harsh edges and lines of the eyeshadow. In this way, you can make your eyebrows look natural.
How To:
• Sanitize your old mascara wand with a detergent solution or alcohol
• Load up the mascara wand with a brow gel of your choice or Vaseline
• Gently brush your … Read More