Which Hair Oil Best Suits To Your Hair And Why?

Best Hair Oil

Choosing the right hair oil could make a difference to your hairstyling, how you style your hair depends largely on the growth of your hair. If you have a full head of long hair, you can try any hairstyle.

Choose your hair growth oil from the following brands

Coconut Hair Oil

Packed with medium-chain triglyceride called lauric acid, coconut hair oil is good for every hair type. It penetrates the hair deeply and repairs brittle and damaged hair. Also, its high moisture content and water-retaining property protect hair against heat damage.

Brigandi Hair Oil

It is an herbal oil with antifungal and antibacterial properties that stop hair loss and prevent scalp infections. Also, its calming and earthy smell relieves stress. It is good for those facing excess hair loss, dandruff, dry hair and premature greying of hair.

Sweet Almond Hair Oil

Rich in Vitamin E, fatty acids, antioxidants and magnesium, this oil can do magic for dry, damaged and dandruff prone hair. It can moisturize hair and prevent hair from environmental pollutants. Also, regular application of the oil gives longer and thicker hair.

Best Hair Oil

Best Hair Oil

Olive Hair Oil

Known for its protective abilities, olive oil can shield keratin, the most important component of hair. Regular application of olive oil will remove the need for conditioner and hair smoothing. People with dull, damaged and dandruff prone hair would benefit by using olive oil.

Grapeseed Oil

Rich in Vitamin E that is essential for hair growth, grapeseed oil is good for controlling hair loss and stunted hair growth. Also, it will work great for … Read More

Five Tips To Fight Hair Loss

Tips To Fight Hair Loss

Problem of hair loss is common in both the sexes and hair loss treatment is also common. Both men and women suffer hair loss due to many reasons including stress, dandruff, nutritional deficiencies, illness, thyroid, hormonal imbalance and oily scalp. Use of chemical applications and heat application are also reasons for hair loss. In male, baldness could be due to hormonal factors or hereditary.

Let’s discuss hair loss causes and treatment

Is hair loss and hair breakage similar?

While it is common for 50 to 100 hair strands to fall daily but there is nothing to worry until the hair are replaced. But the slow rate of replacement is a cause of worry. On the other hand, breakage results when the hair shaft breaks. It could happen due to use of rubber bands, heat applications, split ends and dryness.

Whether you are suffering from hair breakage or thinning of hair, you should try finding the obvious reason behind the problem.

Know when to wash your hair

When the weather is hot and humid, you should wash your tresses more often to remove the sweat, dirt and oil deposits. Oily hair requires three to four wash a week but dry hair shouldn’t be washed more than two times a week.

Choose the right products

Avoid using harsh products because they can disturb the normal acid-alkaline balance. It could lead to build-up of dead cells and dandruff. If you require traveling long distances then you should wash your hair daily, if required. To remove excess oil from hair, you can use a hair rinse.

Treat oily hair

You should avoid creamy conditioners and use hair rinse or serum to remove the excess oil. Use products that contain amla, shikakai, reetha, brahmi, bhringaraj, arnica, trifala, hibiscus, bael, neem and sandalwoodRead More

Adding These 7 Nutrients Can Grow Hair Naturally

Nutrients Can Grow Hair Naturally

Natural hair growth possible only when it gets proper nutrition. Hair roots get nutrition from blood flowing in the scalp. Also, there are oil glands surrounding the hair roots. These glands make hair look glossy and shiny by coating hair follicle.

Check what diet could help in long flowing & natural hair growth


Keratin and 18 amino acids called building blocks of hair are all made up of protein. It shows that taking a protein rich diet can help hair in growing and a deficiency of protein could lead to problems like hair fall. Eggs, milk, paneer, yogurt, cheese, chicken, and certain cereal grains like Quinoa are good sources of protein.


It is vitamin B and it is quite essential for hair growth. And the good this is that it is found in abundance in lentils, nuts, and vegetables. You can count almonds, walnuts, cauliflower, and carrot as good sources of biotin.

Iron For Natural Hair Growth

It is iron that takes oxygen to tissues hence its deficiency could lead to poor hair growth. Similarly, Ferritin is also necessary for hair as its deficiency could cause untimely loss of hair. For iron, you have meat, poultry, green leafy vegetables, and fruits like guava.

Nutrients Can Grow Hair Naturally

Nutrients Can Grow Hair Naturally

More Vitamins

Add more vitamins especially B12, B6 and Folates to your plate as they can help grow your hair long and voluminous. These vitamins will provide the necessary nutrients to hair follicles to support their growth. Whole grains and milk are good sources of B vitamins.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for healthy hair as they supplement the scalp that supports hair growth. Found in fatty fish, flax Read More