Tips For Safer Sensitive Eye Makeup

Tips For Safer Sensitive Eye Makeup

Eye sensitivity is a common problem but there is little need to worry about it as you can still do safe sensitive makeup without facing an allergic situation like irritation and watery eyes. First thing is to know what causes allergies to your eyes and second thing is to buy cosmetics that are safe for your eyes.

Also, you need to keep some tips and tricks in mind that can help wear eye makeup without any allergic reaction. But before you proceed, you should get an education on eye sensitivity.

What Is Eye Sensitivity?

Eye sensitivity is an allergy to foreign products including makeup products. Whenever you touch the areas around your eyes with cosmetics, you feel irritation in the eyes. It is called contact dermatitis. It could be due to an underlying skin condition or you could develop sensitivity to cosmetics over time.

Types of contact dermatitis

Eye sensitivity or contact dermatitis can be classified into allergic and irritant categories depending upon their causes. The classification helps in understanding eye sensitivity.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis: If you are allergic to certain products and those products are included in your cosmetics, you will develop allergic contact dermatitis. As a result, your eyes will become red and itchy. In severe cases, your eyes could swell and you could develop hives.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis: This condition develops when you use a certain type of makeup product for a long time. It means you will have … Read More