The 48-year-old Shilpa Shetty credits her love for yoga for her youthful appearance. But the Baazigar actress learned her yoga lessons most difficultly. She had severe neck pain due to cervical spondylitis. After trying many treatments, she found her cure in yoga. Today she is an ardent follower of yoga and teaches Shilpa Shetty yoga exercise to others.

Is Shilpa Shetty A Yoga Teacher?
The actress hired a yoga teacher, Shiv Kumar Mishra, to cure her cervical pain. She learned both Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga and after a few years, she went to the Bihar School of Yoga to study more about it. After practicing yoga for a decade, she decided to take yoga to people through her YouTube channel Shilpa Shetty yoga. She also has a website to spread awareness about the holistic benefits of yoga. She even launched a mobile app to encourage people to learn yoga.
Table Of Contents
Here are 10 yoga asanas recommended by Shilpa Shetty
Prasarita Padottanasana Pratirupam

How To:
- Stand straight with your legs wide apart and hands placed on your hips
- Bring your torso down without bending your knees
- Place your palm on the floor to support the position
- Your head should be almost between your legs
- Come back slowly by placing your hands on your hips
Benefits: It provides a gentle stretch to the entire body and calms the tensed nerves. It also strengthens the feet, ankles, legs, and spine.
Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow Pose)

How To:
- Come down on your knees and place your palms firmly before the knees
- Shift your weight to your hands by bringing your knees closer to your hands
- Lift your feet with the support of your hands
- Fold your knees on your butts
- Bring all the weight on your hands
- Hold for 10 seconds and then come down slowly
Benefits: It improves balance and core strength. Also, it strengthens wrists, forearms, and abdomen. Visit Shilpa Shetty yoga channel for more information.
Urdhva Mukha Pasasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)

How To:
- Lie down on your stomach with your legs stretched and hands close to your chest
- Press your palms on the floor and lift your back without lifting your hips
- Straighten your shoulders and keep your head and eyes straight
- Hold this pose for 5 breaths before releasing
Benefits: It opens and stretches the chest and strengthens the triceps and abdomen. This Shilpa Shetty face yoga treats lower back problems.
Gatyatmak Eka Pada Ushtrasana

How To:
- Stand in the position of the left leg a step ahead
- Come down on your right knee by flexing your left knee
- Reach your right hand to your right feet
- Raise your left hand and head up
- Change position to do it with the right leg forward
Benefits: It stretches and strengthens the chest, shoulders, legs, and thigh muscles. This Shilpa Shetty yoga exercise also builds awareness and focus.
Bird-Dog Pose

How To:
- Come down on your fours with your spine and head in a line
- Raise your right hand and left leg simultaneously in line with your spine
- Hold the pose for a while and come back
- Repeat the pose with the left hand and right leg
- Do 5 reps from each side
Benefits: It strengthens lower back, abdominal muscles, butt, and thighs. Shilpa Shetty yoga for beginners doesn’t require any additional accessory other than a mat.
Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

How To:
- Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart
- Turn your right foot outwards and left foot inwards
- Extend your hands in a straight line
- Turn to your right, bend on the right knee, and stretch the left leg
- Hold the pose for 10 seconds
- Come back and repeat it with the left side
Benefits: It strengthens and tones the spine, improves balance, and boosts stamina. This Shilpa Shetty yoga pose is helpful for people who do desk jobs.
Baddha Virabhadrasana (Humble Warrior Pose)

How To:
- Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart
- Turn your right foot outwards and left foot inwards
- Raise your hands to your sides and turn to your right
- Bend over your right knee and lift your arms overhead
- Lock your fingers and hold the pose for 10 seconds
- Repeat it with the left leg
Benefits: It improves flexibility, enhances blood circulation, reduces stress and anxiety, and builds confidence. It is an important exercise in Shilpa Shetty yoga routine.
Tiryaka Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)

How To:
- Stand straight with your legs hip-width apart and on your front
- Interlock your hands and take them over your head
- Keep your hands locked with palms facing outwards
- Bend to your left and go as deep as you can
- Come up and do it from the right side
- Do 5 times from each side
Benefits: It gives a gentle stretch to both sides. But this Shilpa Shetty yoga exercise is especially good for reducing abdominal fat. It tones abdominal organs and improves digestion.
Shilpa Shetty Yoga Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)

How To:
- Sit down with your right knee stacked over the left thigh
- Take your left hand above your head and bring
- Reach your right hand to the middle of your back from behind
- Bend your left elbow to reach your left hand to your back
- Lock your hands on your back
- Repeat the pose with the other side
Benefits: Shilpa Shetty face yoga stretches the hips, ankles, arms, and chest. Also, it corrects posture and boosts flexibility. It is an ideal exercise for those who do desk jobs.
Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

How To:
- Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and hands on your waist
- Jump to open your legs up to shoulder-width apart
- Bend your left knee and stretch your left leg
- Bring your left palm to the floor and stretch your right hand
- Your right hand and leg should make a straight line
- Release the pose and repeat it with the other side
Benefits: This Shilpa Shetty yoga pose gives fast relief from arthritis and restless leg syndrome. It improves balance and boosts energy. Also, it strengthens the core, abdominal, and relieves back pain.
Conclusion – Connect to Shilpa Shetty through her mobile app to follow Shilpa Shetty yoga routine. The app features diet plans and recommendations via Email free fitness tracking. The biggest highlight of the app is it works without the Internet. She has an expert panel for app users. Simple Soulful App
Q: Which Is The Best Shilpa Shetty Yoga Exercise For Beginners?
A: Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
Q: Which Shilpa Shetty Yoga Pose Burns Belly Fat?
A: Tiryaka Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)
Q: Which Shilpa Shetty Yoga Pose Is Suitable For People Who Do Desk Jobs?
A: Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)
Q: Which Shilpa Shetty Yoga Exercise Works For All Body?
A: Prasarita Padottanasana Pratirupam
Q: How To Start Shilps Shetty Yoga Routine?
A: Join Shilpa Shetty yoga at Simple Soulful App
Disclaimer – The above information is for entertainment purposes only. Viewers should start yoga only on the advice of a fitness trainer.