Vipassana meditation is a Buddhist way of meditating but it is widely followed by people of all faiths. It involves seeing things as they are or special seeing. Here you don’t focus on a task or image but focus on your inner self in a non-judgemental way.

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Vipassana meditation technique to understand its benefits

- Start early in the morning to get calm and tranquillity and devote 10-15 minutes of the day to meditation
- Set your yoga mat in a quieter area like your study or terrace where you can sit in the state of meditation for some time without any distraction
- Sit on the mat with your legs crossed and back straightened. Engage your core and relax your body and mind to dive into the state of meditation
- Close your eyes to connect to your inner self and breathe normally
- Focus only on your natural breath and how you feel while inhaling fresh air
- Be mindful of the natural breathing pattern and observe the thoughts coming to your mind without reacting or judging those thoughts
- Observe the thoughts and the distractions caused by those thoughts. Not attempt to react or control the thoughts to let them subside on their own
- Keep observing the thoughts and return to your normal breathing pattern. Continue the process of meditation for as long as you can
- Experience the state of meditation where you feel light, healthy, and happy. You will experience the draining of stress every time you inhale fresh air and exhale carbon-di-oxide
- Sit for 5-10 minutes in the state of meditation in the beginning and increase the meditation time as you gain experience
Tips for beginners
- If you are new to Vipassana meditation at home, you should follow some tips that will help you strengthen your breathing process and develop a focus on your breath.
- You need training on the Vipassana meditation technique and for training; you can either go to a training center or find free guided meditations on YouTube
- Download an advanced Vipassana meditation app on your mobile to start training. The app will provide medication recording to help achieve the state of meditation. Also, it will provide resources like educational articles on meditation
- If you join a 10-day training program, you will get all the necessary resources at the training center. It will be a rigorous training that will help you meditate at home
- Set a time for meditation and stick to the time. Go slow and increase the meditation time gradually like a couple of minutes at a time
- Your focus during Vipassana meditation should be on your breath and the objective should be to remain calm or unmoved by your thoughts and feelings
- Meditate early morning to limit distractions by your family members or pets. Also, switch off your mobile phone and other gadgets for the time you are in the state of meditation
What are Vipassana meditation benefits?

Vipassana meditation purifies the mind of negative thoughts and brings the mind to a balanced state so you take a balanced approach to all situations. You will observe your thoughts instead of reacting to the thoughts in an unbalanced manner.
Relieves Stress
Buddhist Vipassana meditation can reduce your response to stress. During meditation, you will observe your thoughts instead of meddling with them. In other words, you will become immune from the thoughts and react only when necessary. Also, your reaction will be properly balanced towards reality. You won’t make any decisions on assumptions.
Reduces Anxiety
Advanced Vipassana meditation reduces anxiety. Observing thoughts exercises your brain to take the thoughts lightly as they are mere assumptions. You will react to only the actual situation that is breathing. Thoughts come because the mind keeps assuming things and situations. Since you will remain unmoved by the thoughts, you won’t become anxious.
Improves Mental Awareness
The stress-relieving effect of Vipassana meditation at home will improve mental awareness. You will experience a boost in self-esteem and confidence. This positive state of mind will increase your competence and help develop relationships. You will react to real things only and your reaction will be a balanced approach.
Fine Tunes Brain
Your brain works in a set pattern. First, it makes a pattern and then follows it to speed up information processing. But this one solution-fits-all-all approach doesn’t work for all situations. It is where Vipassana meditation helps the brain restructure its ability to find new pathways to address different problems.
Helps Treat Physical Problems
Vipassana meditation benefits include treating problems related to a disturbed state of mind. For example, anxiety could increase your blood sugar level and blood pressure in the long run. Also, it could lead to reduced appetite and loss of weight in the long run. But you can avoid these problems with an improved state of mind.
The code of discipline for meditators
Buddhist Vipassana meditation is for all but you need to follow a strict code of conduct to get maximum benefit from this meditation methods.
- Avoid making assumptions
- Be honest with yourself
- Cause no physical or mental harm to anyone
- Abstain from all intoxicants
- Lead a disciplined life
Vipassana meditation is a way of life instead of a therapy for your physical and mental problems. It will empower your mind to accept challenges and find realistic solutions to those challenges.
Conclusion – Buddhist Vipassana meditation is a technique to achieve mental purification and face challenges with a calm and balanced state of mind. Also, it is an art of living that eliminates all causes of unhappiness including craving, aversion, and ignorance. It develops a habit of reacting to different situations in a balanced way.
Q: What Is A Vipassana Meditation Course?
A: The course can help you understand the process and practice meditation in a professional environment.
Q: Could I Practice Vipassana Meditation At Home?
A: Yes, you can but only after proper training.
Q: Could Vipassana Meditation Help Cure Diseases?
A: Vipassana meditation works only on the brain but it can help control diabetes, blood pressure, and other chronic ailments.
Q: Could A Depressed Mind Practice Vipassana Meditation?
A: A depressed mind needs therapy and medication more than meditation.
Q: What Are The Side Effects Of Vipassana Meditation?
A: There are no side effects of meditation.