Which Hair Oil Best Suits To Your Hair And Why?

Best Hair Oil

Choosing the right hair oil could make a difference to your hairstyling, how you style your hair depends largely on the growth of your hair. If you have a full head of long hair, you can try any hairstyle.

Choose your hair growth oil from the following brands

Coconut Hair Oil

Packed with medium-chain triglyceride called lauric acid, coconut hair oil is good for every hair type. It penetrates the hair deeply and repairs brittle and damaged hair. Also, its high moisture content and water-retaining property protect hair against heat damage.

Brigandi Hair Oil

It is an herbal oil with antifungal and antibacterial properties that stop hair loss and prevent scalp infections. Also, its calming and earthy smell relieves stress. It is good for those facing excess hair loss, dandruff, dry hair and premature greying of hair.

Sweet Almond Hair Oil

Rich in Vitamin E, fatty acids, antioxidants and magnesium, this oil can do magic for dry, damaged and dandruff prone hair. It can moisturize hair and prevent hair from environmental pollutants. Also, regular application of the oil gives longer and thicker hair.

Best Hair Oil

Best Hair Oil

Olive Hair Oil

Known for its protective abilities, olive oil can shield keratin, the most important component of hair. Regular application of olive oil will remove the need for conditioner and hair smoothing. People with dull, damaged and dandruff prone hair would benefit by using olive oil.

Grapeseed Oil

Rich in Vitamin E that is essential for hair growth, grapeseed oil is good for controlling hair loss and stunted hair growth. Also, it will work great for … Read More

Camellia Oil

Camellia Oil

What Is Camellia Oil?

Camellia a.k.a. Tsubaki oil, peanut oil, and tea seed oil is cold-pressed from the seeds of the Camellia japonica and Camellia oleifera plants. Rich in fatty acids and antioxidants, this lightweight oil has been used for nourishing skin and hair for many centuries. Earlier the oil was used in its raw condition but today it is used for making cosmetics.

Skin Benefits Of Camellia Oil

Moisturizer: The presence of fatty acids makes it a good moisturizer. Its regular use will nourish your skin by reducing the loss of water. Also, it will hydrate your skin and give a soft and silky feel. You can see the results within a short time.

Wrinkle Control: It is found that camellia oil not only hydrates the skin but also induces the synthesis of type I skin collagen that is responsible for making the skin firm. Type I skin collagen is a type of protein that prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

Antioxidant: It has antioxidants like catechins, tocopherols, gallic acid, and tocotrienol that remove free radicals and protect skin from environmental stressors, UV-A rays, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Also, these antioxidants make camellia oil an excellent sunscreen for all skin types.

Soothing To Skin: Its anti-inflammatory properties can soothe skin inflammation, redness, and roughness. Its regular use will keep your skin soft and supple. If you want, you can use it in raw form or mix it with olive oil or aloe gel.

You will have all these benefits of camellia oil if you know how to apply the oil to your skin. And you will be surprised to know that there are 7 … Read More

10 Trendy Haircuts Started By Rihanna

Trendy Haircuts Started By Rihanna

Rihanna is popular for her inspiring music, risqué style, and her pixie cut hairstyle that she keeps changing almost on the regular basis. But she loves short haircuts like pixie more than others.

Here’re 10 Rihanna pixie cut hairstyle for her fans

Red Hot Side-Swept Pixie

Rihanna is looking bolder in this red hot side-swept pixie crop. This haircut involves making a bun at the back of the head and leaving a section of hair to hang on the forehead. You can check she’s brushed the top section across her forehead to make it prominent. And this section looks more attractive in the red-hot color. Also, this haircut requires a strong-hold hairspray to keep the hairstyle secure in place. Rihanna must have used a branded hairspray to finish the haircut. This hairstyle would suit a woman with a bold attitude.

Pixie Cut

It is an edgy hairstyle that the Barbadian has taken to the edge but has kept it just short of becoming trashy. Rihanna is known for giving amazing looks and she doesn’t fear experimenting with her haircuts to improve her looks. In this picture, she’s wearing a pixie cut in natural black color. The picture shows that Rihanna has cropped her hair to make it shorter and it is done simply to attract attention to her facial features. You can see her eyelashes. Similarly, the pout of her lips is enhanced by the haircut.

Caramel Bob With Side-Swept Fringe

It is an amazing hairstyle especially the side-swept fringe cascading on her nose and eyes. It is a short and edgy hairstyle that has … Read More

Is Dry Shampooing Beneficial For My Hair?

Dry Shampooing Benefits

Your hair needs regular cleaning but it is neither possible nor good to wash your hair regularly. But you can dry shampoo your hair between regular washes and observe the benefits.

Dry shampoo is easier to use and it gives many benefits.

Add volume to your hair

It is a bonus. If you wash your hair with dry shampoo, you will feel of if your locks are blown out. And this feeling of fullness is in addition to the freshness that the dry shampoo gives. For better results, you should use the dry shampoo over damp hair.

Save your hair color

Wet shampoo removes hair color every time it is applied to the colored hair. You can use dry shampoo intermittently to keep your hair clean and protect the color from damage by shampoo. In this way, you can make your hair color last longer.

Dry Shampooing Benefits

Dry Shampooing Benefits

Stretch out a blow dry

It is difficult to stretch out a fabulous professional blow dry, if you use regular wet shampoo to clean your locks. But a water-less dry shampoo can do the job. It is a better option to keep your hair clean without compromising on the results of a professional blow dry.

Nourish your hair with natural oils

Locks get much nourishment from natural oils found on the scalp but oils can’t reach out to the total length of the extremely curly or long hair. Dry shampoo absorbs the natural oils on the scalp and allows the oils ample time to reach out to the tip of hair.

Precautions with dry shampoo

There’s little doubt that a dry shampoo gives a plethora of benefits but too … Read More

10 Ways To Detox Your Hair At Home

Detox Your Hair At Home

Hair detox involves deep cleaning of hair and scalp. It is necessary to remove dirt, grime, oil, and product build-up to free your hair from the clutches of the layer of gunk that is preventing your hair from growing and shining.

Advantages of hair detox

• Deep cleaning reduces dandruff and itching scalp
• Boost absorption of hair care products like oils and shampoo
• Promote healthy hair growth

For hair detox, you can buy a readymade shampoo or try a homemade detox solution. Here we’ll discuss some proven hair detox solutions you can prepare at home.

Bentonite Clay And Aloe


    • Bentonite Clay Powder (half cup)
    • Pure Aloe Vera Gel (half cup)
    • Regular Apple Cider Vinegar (4tsp)
    • Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar (250 ml)

    How To:

    • Mix all the ingredients except diluted ACV to make a smooth paste
    • Apply the solution to your hair and scalp and cover your head with a shower cap for 30 minutes
    • Keep it wet by spraying water over the mask
    • Rinse the pack with diluted ACV followed by shampoo and conditioner after a couple of minutes
    • Do it once in two weeks

    Benefits: Bentonite clay has antibacterial properties that can prevent bacteria from germinating on your scalp.

    Baking Soda


      • Baking Soda (half cup)
      • Hot Water (3 cups)

      How To:

      • Prepare a solution of baking soda for detox
      • Rinse your tresses until they are completely wet
      • Pour the detox solution on your head and massage your scalp for 5 minutes
      • Rinse it out and condition your hair so seal the detox
      • For conditioning, you can use raw honey… Read More

      5 Reasons For Using Pure Castor Oil

      Benefits Of Pure Castor Oil

      Rich in vitamin A and C, pure castor oil makes a great treatment for & benefits hair and skin. It can nourish weak hair and improve its condition without causing any side effects. Since it has no side effects, people with allergies with shampoos and oils can also use castor oil.

      Let’s discuss the benefits of pure castor oil…

      • Castor oil is good for hair and scalp. It seals moisture and stimulates and strengthens hair follicle. Also, it will slow down the falling rate of your hair in the long run.
      • Castor oil is a good cure for dandruff that is a common hair problem. Massaging your hair and scalp with castor oil will keep dandruff away. Dryness can irritate scalp leading to itching and dandruff problem. Also, castor oil can help cure acne.
      Benefits Of Pure Castor Oil

      Benefits Of Pure Castor Oil

      • Dryness can reduce growth of hair but you can double the growth of your locks with castor oil. It works much better than other hair products. Soon after starting using castor oil, you will notice that your locks have become thicker and voluminous.
      • Castor oil can cure damaged hair and scalp. For example, if you are suffering from eczema or psoriasis, you should use castor oil. You will feel much relief even after the first treatment.
      • Castor oil has a great moisturizing effect on hair and scalp. It can soothe dry skin.

      Try using pure castor oil instead of a supplement sold under different brand names. Ask for pure castor oil and nourish your hair and scalp with this nutritious oil regularly.

      8 Best Hair Styling Smoothing, Nourishing Gels

      Best Hair Styling Gels

      If your hair is coarse, unhealthy, and curly then you need a smoothing gel that can calm your hair strands and bring flyway hair to its place. A smoothing gel can help make and maintain a hairstyle that can last all day without requiring restyling.

      Your hairstyle can say many things about your personality. How you style your hair shows how you take life. But sometimes styling hair becomes a difficult job especially when you have coarse hair or frizzes.

      Here’re 8 best selling hair smoothing gel that you can use for your frizzy hair

      Matrix Vavoom Smooth Me Smoothing Gel

      It is the best smoothing gel to smooth those unruly waves that are difficult to tie together. It is light on the hair and its biggest advantage is that it can seal the split ends. If you struggle with frizz and curls then you should try this product. It will enhance the overall look and feel of your hair by adding shine to your locks. And you will like its non-greasy texture. But it is a little pricey.

      Aveda Smooth Infusion Nourishing Styling Crème

      While most smoothing gels are good for controlling the frizz effectively, this specific product gives conditions for hair as well. If you have coarse and unhealthy hair then it is the right smoothing gel for your hair. It will not only untangle your hair but protect it from humidity as well. It contains plant butter that works as a conditioner and nourishment for hair. Also, it will leave a long-lasting impact on your hair. But you could feel Read More

      7 Ways To Treat A Smelly Scalp

      Treat A Smelly Scalp

      Does your scalp smell bad? If yes then this blog is for you for the smelly scalp treatment. First, you should know the reason for the bad smell. If you don’t wash your hair, the scalp will smell bad. Or excessive sweating could be a reason for a smelly scalp. Also, environmental pollution, hormonal changes, and medical reasons could cause a smelly scalp.

      The second thing is to know how to cure a smelly scalp and the good thing is that you can easily cure your smelly scalp at home.

      Here’re some reliable treatment options and tips for treating a smelly scalp

      Essential Oils

        a) Tea Tree Oil

        Freshen your hair with tree tea oil that has a pleasant smell. Also, its antimicrobial properties will control the microbes causing a bad smell from your scalp.

        How To:

        • Mix 6 drops of tea tree oil with 1-2 tsp of jojoba or sweet almond oil
        • Blend the oils well and apply the mixed oil to your scalp and hair
        • Leave the oil on your scalp for at least 30 minutes
        • Rinse your hair and scalp with lukewarm water
        • Do it 1-2 times daily for better results

        b) Neem Oil

        Neem oil has excellent antimicrobial properties that will eliminate the microbes continuously replicating on your scalp and causing a bad smell.

        How To:

        • Mix 5-6 drops of neem oil with 1-2 tsp of carrier oil of your choice
        • Blend the oils well and apply the mixed oil to your scalp and hair
        • Allow 30 minutes for the antimicrobial neem oil to work on your scalp
        • Rinse your scalp and hair with lukewarm water
        • Do it 1-2 times daily to get good results

        Note: You … Read More

        Dry Scalp Hair Oil

        Dry Scalp Hair Oil

        A dry scalp develops when the scalp doesn’t have enough oil or moisture to keep the skin lubricated. If allowed to persist, the condition could lead to itching, flaking, and irritation. But the maximum impact of a dry scalp will be seen on the hair. The hair will look dry and become lifeless and fragile because of a lack of oil. Using a quality dry scalp hair oil can help control the condition.

        If you have dry skin, you are most likely to have a dry scalp. If you wash your hair regularly, you are stripping your scalp of the natural oil and making it dry. Soon you will have symptoms like itching and irritation. Medical conditions like eczema or psoriasis could also lead to a dry scalp. Using a quality dry scalp hair oil and drinking enough water can help hydrate the scalp and hair.

        What is the right dry scalp treatment?

        Dry scalp treatment needs a two-way approach. First, you should treat the underlying condition causing dryness in the scalp. Second, you should use a quality dry scalp hair oil. For example, you can increase your fluid intake to stay hydrated. Also, you can discontinue daily washing your hair. If you have a medical condition, you need to get prescription drugs to treat that condition.

        Which hair oil is the best for a dry scalp?

        There are many brands selling oils for dry scalp treatment. They use many ingredients like jojoba oil and aloe vera extract for dry scalp treatment. Before you buy a dry scalp hair oil, you should check its ingredients and make sure your … Read More