Top Beauty Secrets You Can Use To Get The Festive Facial Glow

Beauty Secrets To Get The Festive Facial Glow

This month is full of festivals and enjoyment. Therefore, taking facial beauty tips is important because you need to look beautiful. Well, if you do not have time to rush the saloon then you do not worry. You have kitchen ingredients that help you to get glowing skin without hassle.

Let’s discuss some important facial beauty tips

Turmeric Face Mask

Turmeric is one of the essential kitchen ingredients that helps your skin to look beautiful and protective against UVB rays. To prepare a healthy turmeric glowing face mask all you need to follow the give steps:

1. Take a bowl and mix ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder and 1 tbsp. of coconut oil.

2. Mix both ingredients well and make a smooth paste.

3. Apply this pack in the face for 15 minutes.

4. Wash off with lukewarm water.

This face pack will remove tan, acne, and other blemishes on the face.

Almond Face Mask

Almonds are rich in fiber, protein, and magnesium that work superbly to restore your skin damages and keep your skin healthy. To enjoy the best skin benefits, follow the given steps to prep an almond face mask.

1. Soak almonds overnight.

2. Prep a smooth paste and apply it evenly on the face and neck.

3. Leave this pack for 15-20 minutes.

4. Wash off face with cold water.

Pro-tip- To get younger beautiful skin, do not forget to apply moisturizer after face pack to get an instant glow.

Kaya’s 11 Most Popular Beauty Treatments

Kaya’s Most Popular Beauty Treatments

If you are looking for skin care treatment, Kaya Skin Clinic’s customized treatment options could help maintain a youthful appearance even at an advanced age. These are in-clinic services provided by seasoned dermatologists and therapists

Pigmentation Treatment

Pigmentation Reduction System – Superficial

    This treatment is designed for curing dark spots, age-related spots, and other pigmentation issues. Products used for treatment are produced with carefully chosen ingredients.

    • An Intense Clarity peel containing botanical extracts with excellent de-pigmentation properties
    • Enhanced skin regeneration improves skin tone
    • Botanical extracts reduce excess melanin production

    Kaya offers a cream containing phytic and azelaic acid that is good for your skin. You can buy the product for use at home and get results within two weeks.

    Insta Clarity Laser Action

      Kaya presents Insta Clarity Laser (Q-Switch Laser) therapy to remove unwanted spots and get clear and radiant skin. It is a quick action formula to get desired results.

      • An invisible beam of laser targets the excess melanin and dark spots
      • Gives clear skin in just one session

      Kaya’s Most Popular Beauty Treatments

      Kaya’s Most Popular Beauty Treatments

      Anti-Aging Treatment

      Youth Brilliance – Early Signs

        Control early signs of aging with the tri-active formula of the Intense Clarity Peel system developed by Kaya. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin texture, and gives younger-looking skin.

        • Derma Peels: Exfoliate the skin to reduce uneven patches
        • Botanical Whitening Agents: Reduce age-related spots and pigmentation
        • Wrinkle Lift Mask: Makes skin firmer firm … Read More

        10 Effective Tips To Deal With Makeup Problem In Summer

        Effective Tips To Deal With Makeup Problem In Summer

        Summer isn’t the right time to wear makeup or it would be more appropriate to say that you need to change the way you wear makeup keeping the summer heat in mind.

        As soon as you step outside, the hot sun will start baking your makeup. Skin produces excess sweat to cool off but the excess moisture could drain the layers of your makeup. Also, the melted makeup can enter your skin pores and create more problems.

        Here’re 10 reliable ways of doing makeup in the summer time

        Face Wash With Oil Control Properties

        Buy a face wash that can soak the excess oil with impurities and give your face a fresh look and feel. Also, it will tone up the skin cells. A cool sprinkle of a quality face wash followed by a pat dry session with a towel or tissue is sufficient to recharge your cells. Summer heat could be harsh on your face, but this simple formula can keep you fresh all day. Just a splash of a refreshing face wash is enough to rejuvenate your skin.

        Ice Treatment

        Grab an ice cube and start pampering your skin soft and tender facial skin with the cool stuff. You can use it directly but be careful so as not to irritate the capillaries in the skin. A cold touch isn’t good for delicate skin, but there is little harm in pampering your skin with an ice cube to prevent the meltdown of the makeup. A gentle massage for a couple of seconds is sufficient to close the large pores and prevent the makeup from melting. Pat-dry your Read More

        How DIY Japanese Face Mask Rejuvenates The Skin?

        Best DIY Japanese Face Mask

        Japan is the most advanced country in the world. It is said that they live in the future. They have the technology that other countries can only dream of. But when it comes to health and beauty, Japanese people rely on their traditional knowledge. For example, take a DIY Japanese face mask.

        DIY Japanese Face Mask

        What Is A DIY Japanese Face Mask?

        It is a homemade face mask and Japanese people have a secret mask they call DIY Japanese face mask. But it is no longer a secret as the recipe for this homemade skincare product is already out. Also, it is surprising to know that anyone can make this mask at home with their kitchen ingredients. Japanese people still use this mask for its benefits.

        Here I’m sharing the recipe for the secret Japanese skincare product


        The DIY Japanese face mask is rich in vitamin B complex which makes it more useful. Also, it is suitable for all skin types and people of all ages. The biggest thing to note about this face mask is its history. It isn’t a chemical formula prepared in a laboratory but a grain available in every kitchen. Also, all ingredients of the face mask are natural.

        Why Is Vitamin B Complex Necessary For The Skin?

        Vitamin B Complex

        Vitamin B complex supports skin health in many ways such as preventing acne, skin rashes, and premature aging. Its deficiency can cause dry and flaky skin, cracked lips, and wrinkles. Japanese people know the advantages of vitamin B complex and for this reason, they still rely on DIY Japanese face mask.

        Vitamin B Complex Benefits

        B1 (Thiamine)

        Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

        This vitamin boosts collagen production necessary to control the emergency signs of … Read More

        10 Reasons To Buy An Activated Charcoal Face Mask

        DIY Charcoal Face Mask

        The way activated charcoal cleanses and detoxifies the skin is hard to do with any other ingredient. It is for this reason that everyone including celebrities recommends wearing an activated charcoal face mask. While a regular mask only unclogs pores, charcoal can go a step ahead in absorbing environmental pollutants responsible for free radicals.

        Charcoal Face Mask

        A charcoal face mask peel is especially beneficial for people with acne and blackheads. Charcoal helps reduce excess oil that is the price cause of skin problems. As the level of environmental pollution has increased, people are facing more problems with their skin. But there is little to worry about as you can use charcoal for cleaning your face.

        Buy an organic charcoal face mask that you can use at home and wear it as prescribed on the product packing. It is both simple and affordable. Also, there are many brands making face masks with charcoal as an active ingredient. They even try different combinations like turmeric and green tea to give more benefits to users.

        You can try a DIY charcoal face mask or buy one from the market depending on your needs. The advantage of a readymade product is comes in handy during rush hours.

        Jelly Mask Powder For Face Mask Skin Care

        Jelly Mask Powder For Face Mask Skin Care

        Brand: Lancity
        Active Ingredients: Bamboo Charcoal, Hyaluronic Acid

        This charcoal face mask peel is better suited … Read More

        What A Green Tea Face Mask Can Do To Your Skin?

        Matcha Green Tea Face Mask

        Green tea bags work well on puffy eyes and dark circles around the eyes. But a green tea face mask can improve your overall skin condition. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce skin irritation, redness, and swelling. Also, an abundance of antioxidant EGCG makes green tea a good anti-aging agent. Antioxidants rejuvenate dying skin cells to fight premature aging.

        Green tea face mask benefits include skin moisturizer and hydration. It can treat acne and remove blackheads. If you have scars or acne marks, you can remove all skin blemishes with this face mask. Regular use of this mask can exfoliate your skin, clear clogged pores, and control oil. It removes excess oil from the skin and even minimizes sebum production.

        Green Tea Face Mask

        Let’s with a green tea face pack homemade


        • Green tea – 1tsp
        • Baking soda – 1tsp
        • Honey – 1tsp
        • Water – optional

        How To:

        • Brew green tea in a cup of water and let the leaves soak in the oil for about an hour
        • Let the leaves cool for 15 minutes
        • Put the leaves in a mixing bowl and add baking soda and honey to them
        • Mix all the ingredients until they make a thick paste
        • Add some water to prevent the paste from becoming too thick for facial application

        If you want, you can bring Read More