Today Anupama starts where Sagar is suffering from fever and Anna tries to wake him up and as soon as Sagar wants to get up, Anna says that you have so much fever, why didn’t you call us, then Sagar says that I Thought why should I bother the people? Then Anna tells him that okay, let’s take rest now, I will bring a cold-water jar for you. And I will also bring medicine. Meanwhile Sagar says no Anna, I have to go today because I have given my time to someone and I have to go to pick him up. Meanwhile Anna says how will you go, you have so much fever and all these things. Anu listens from behind and Sagar very loudly and says that if you have given time to someone then that time will definitely be completed, then Anu said today your Dhanno will definitely go but you will not go, on this Sagar asks this. what happened who will go with my Dhanno? Anupam answers this, then understand who will go and then after some time, when Anna, Sagar and Nandita come out of the house, they see that Anu is driving the auto. And then Sagar says that I am unwell, what dreams am I seeing? Then Anu shouts loudly and says that this is not a dream, it is true, I will go in your auto to pick up your client. Then everyone asks, do you know how to drive an auto? Then Anupam tells that yes, I know how to drive an auto. Anuj has taught me very well to drive an auto and it was Kinjal who first taught me to drive a car.

Anupama 13th August 2024 Written Update
Anupama 13th August 2024 Written Update: Kinjal and Meenakshi Plan to meet Sagar
Here Meenu remains worried and surprised because she keeps missing Sagar a lot, then Kinjal comes into the room and says Meenu, why are you so worried, you can share your problems with me, on this she tells Sagar. I am such that I have not even gone to see her and I am a doctor and I can treat him very well. But because of my Vanraj Mamu I am not able to go. Meanwhile, Vanraj comes behind and both become silent in fear. Then Vanraj asks Kinjal if there is any problem, son? Then Kinjal replies no, Papa, girls’ problem. And then Vanraj gives Meenu her card and goes away. Here, seeing Anu in the auto, Anuj starts having old memories and he starts looking at Anu with longing eyes. Here when Banraj is coming out of the house, he says to Meenu, come on Meenu, I will leave you, then Meenu says, no uncle, I will not go today, only when my health will be fine, I will go, then Vanraj says ok, come on, you are a doctor. You know more about your health but when you go out of the house, tell Toshu and he will leave you. And then he says that I have faith in you that you will definitely fulfil what you have promised me and then he goes away saying this Then Meenu says to Kinjal, sister-in-law, now how will we meet Sagar, then Kinjal says, I will tell you and then both of them are talking through gestures and Pakhi comes in between. And if Pakhi said, I don’t know about Toshu Bhai but I will definitely find out what these people are planning.
Anupama 13th August 2024 Written Update: Vanraj Car Collide with Anuj Auto
Here, as soon as Anu is sitting on the auto and tries to get out, the auto stops, on which everyone gets upset and says let’s call Sagar and asks how will the auto start. Anu say on this. She says no, let Sagar rest and let me find out because if it stops in the middle then I will have to start it. Meanwhile, Anuj says that you sit behind and I will take you and then tell me where to go. Everyone becomes very happy on this and Anu and Anuj leave the house in an auto or seeing this, all the family members are very happy. They are happy and then they all also go inside the house. Then the auto collides with Vanraj’s car and Vanraj laughs a lot after seeing both of them and says on this, what has the woman ruined you, Anuj? Now you have left the luxury car and started driving this auto and become its driver and, on this Anuj, speaks in Favor of Anupama from Vanraj that you should think once before saying anything to Anupama and then he leaves with the auto. Here Kinjal and Meenu are just coming out of the house, Then “Baa” comes and asks where are you both going, then both of them tell that we both are going out for our work. Then Baba says ok, come quickly and the pakhi is watching from behind and she thinks that both of them are really going to the market. Meanwhile, as soon as Kinjal and Meenu come out of the house and she looks at Sagar. While trying to go towards home, Kinjal sees Paakhi and Kinjal tells Meenu that Pakhi is keeping an eye on us so go in the car first. Meanwhile, as she is sitting in the car, Pakhi also sits with her in the car and says that today I will spend the whole day with you guys.
Anupama 13th August 2024 Written Update: Anuj saw Aadya in the Car Anuj was driving the auto very well and reaching his destination and Anupam was sitting behind and reliving all his old memories. Meanwhile, Anuj sees his daughter Aadya in a car on the road, then he accelerates the auto very fast. Tries to go but the auto does not accelerate, on which Anuj leaves the auto in the middle of the way and starts running behind the car in which his own daughter Aadhya is seen. And then Anupama also runs behind her while chasing her and Anuj runs and falls, then Anupam picks her up and he keeps telling Anupam that Aadhya is not in USA but here in Gujarat. Then Anupam understands him and says that we will definitely find Aadhya. If Aadhya is here then it is better or it is a small town, we will find Aadhya soon. Then Anuj trusts Anupama’s words and calms down and sits back in the auto. Here Kinjal, Meenu and Pakhi go for shopping. And then after dropping Sagar’s client home safely, Anuj drops Anupam to the hospital, on this Anupam says thank you to him and says that today you have managed everything well, then Anuj has to say thank you to him, then I have to say to you. You must have handled me in this manner because as soon as I saw Aadya, I became completely uncontrolled but you controlled me. And thank you that you gave me hope that we can find Aadya, then Anupam remains, how can I not give you hope? But one can never live without hope. Then Anuj says, okay, you come after doing your work, I am waiting for you here, on this Anupam tells him, okay, please don’t go anywhere, I went like this and I came. Then Anupama goes inside the hospital scared, seeing Sagar’s auto, the boys who were harassing Meenu were planning that this is the same auto of the boy who had beaten us and also went to our police and complained.
So today’s episode ends here, now it will be very interesting to see the upcoming twist that what step will Anupama take to find Adhyay? And can these hospital boys again become a threat to Sagar’s auto and Anuj? Stay with us for such latest updates.