Long hair is considered a blessing, but sometimes you want to keep your hair length shorter for styling. Would you like to trim your locks like bob cut or ponytail? Your answer would be no. Why cut long tresses that you have maintained with many efforts? So this is the blog for short hairstyles for women with long tresses.
Is There Any Short Hairstyles For Women?
Yes, there’s. And it is better to look for hacks that can make your hair strands appear shorter. Luckily there are five hairstyles that you can make with your long hair and those hairstyles will make your tresses appear shorter.
Curly hair looks shorter naturally. Since curls consume the maximum length of hair, it appears shorter. So, the best and the safest way to make your long tresses appear shorter is to make them curly. And it is easier to curl long locks using curlers.
Note: Using heat rollers could expose your locks to prolonged heat that isn’t healthy for your tresses. But there is little to worry about curlers.
First, wash your hair to remove oil, dirt, and grime. Washing would make your tresses elastic and it would be much easier to curl them the way you want.
Second, choose the size of hair curls and take the hair curlers of the right size. And use the curlers in proper alignment to prevent your curls from running in different directions.
Third, sleep with curls. While it could be quite uncomfortable to sleep with hair curlers, it is the only way to achieve desired results. And you will be excited to see the curls.
Note: Avoid brushing your hair as it would ruin the curls.
Short Hairstyles With Long Tresses
Demi Lovato Style
It isn’t difficult to make a short hairstyles for women when you are determined. And you can even get Demi Lovato’s look by using a few simple hacks. It is a bob cut that you can make by simply clipping your long hair on your scalp.
First, prepare your long flowing locks with a shine serum and you need a little amount of the serum for the job.
Second, pull the top half of the hair strands over your head and clip them to prevent them from falling.
Third, fold two inches of your hair stands from the bottom section towards your scalp and clip them with a bobby pin to make them appear shorter.
Fourth, unclip the hair strands clipped at the top of the head to allow them to fall over the tucked-in hair strands.
If all your hair strands are of equal length, you can easily roll the top ends beneath the bottom sections for convenience. Finally, spritz your bob-cut hair with hairspray before stepping out.
Bobby Pin Flips
Hairstylists call it simple and attractive because it is easier to make if you can play with a couple of bobby pins. Get bobby pins on your dressing table to start.
First, wash your tresses and let them dry. Part them in a headband shape from ear to ear, but no pins are used this time.
Second, divide the rest of the locks into four to five sections according to your convenience.
Third, bring up the first section and secure it with bobby pins. It will drape your face. Flip the hair strands from your face to the back and secure them with bobby pins.
Fourth, repeat the process with the remaining sections of hair strands.
Fifth, pull the locks in the headband section back over your hair and the pinned tresses. Add some more bobby pins, if needed to prevent the hair stands from running out.
Get A Ponytail
A ponytail is a short hairstyles for women where you pull all your hair strands away from your face and secure all the hair strands at the back of your head with a hair tie. Making a ponytail is also a great way to make your long hair appear shorter. Also, it is easier to make. One more thing is, it looks good on every face shape and dress.
First, leave the shorter hair strands in a ponytail style.
Second, roll up your ponytail to make the hair appear shorter, or pin the hair strands to the back of your head.
You can make a ponytail only when your tresses are shorter, or making a ponytail would make your locks appear shorter. The accessories you will need for making a ponytail are a hair tie to secure your hair at the back, and several hair clips to fix the loose hair strands.
The Half Bun Short Hairstyles For Women
If you are looking for the simplest and fastest way to make your tresses appear shorter then consider the half-bun style. Its advantage is that it is easier to make and convenient to maintain. Half of the hair length will be used up in the bun and the rest of the hair strands could be left free to flow down to your shoulders.
First, make a half or incomplete bun by tying your locks together.
Second, sweep the rest of the hair stands onto your shoulders.
Third, use clips to fix all the loose hair strands.
The bun is ready and so are you. And this bun looks good. You can couple the bun with any dress, especially party dresses. Also, it will go well with your leisure dresses.
Tips For Styling Your Hair
• Always start fresh by washing your hair to remove excess oil, dirt, grime, and pollutants
• Keep your locks healthy so they don’t get damaged while styling
• Release your hair during bedtime to allow the locks to be free
• Use hair accessories like clips and bands carefully as they could break the hair strands
Final Thoughts
These are five simple and awesome short hairstyles for women that can make your long hair appear shorter. The advantage of these hairstyles is that they are easier to make. And you need little training and fewer accessories for making these hairstyles. The only precaution you need to make while styling your hair is to avoid rough handling as it could damage your hair.
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