What Are Skin Benefits Of Isabgol?

Isabgol or psyllium husk is the most common home remedy for curing stomach problems especially constipation as it makes stool bulky and allows smooth passing of the stool. But it is just one of the many health benefits of Isabgol for skin.

Benefits of Isabgol for skin & different ailments


It is easier to manage constipation with Isabgol, which is a dietary fiber. Also, its ability to absorb and retain water makes the stool bulky and soft so that it passes smoothly. 

Benefits Of Isabgol For Skin


Management of piles is directly related to constipation. Acute constipation gives birth to hemorrhoids that is a painful condition. But Isabgol can reduce constipation and bleeding associated with piles.

High Cholesterol

Isabgol being a hypocholesterolemic can help in managing cholesterol level. It decreases absorption of bad cholesterol and increases breakdown of the deposited particles. 


Dietary fiber in Isabgol gives the feeling of fullness. Also, it keeps the colon clean and removes toxins responsible for obesity. The feeling of fullness prevents overeating.


Isabgol has antidiarrheal and anti-secretory properties that help in effective diarrhea management. It can block the calcium ion channels responsible for causing acute diarrhea.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Smooth passing of stool gives fast relief from painful irritable bowel syndrome. Also, Isabgol makes a protective lining in the stomach and this protective layer reduces hyperacidity that further eases stomach problems.

Ulcerative Colitis

Isabgol has the treatment for this inflammatory bowel syndrome. It adds volume to the waste by absorbing extra water that smoothens the waste and allows easy passage as excreta. And inflammation subsides as soon as the waste is released from the body.

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1&2)

Isabgol helps in controlling diabetes in different ways. First, it prevents the sudden increase of sugar level after a meal. And second, it improves absorption power of antidiabetic drugs like metformin allowing those drugs to work in their double capacity.


Isabgol applied on skin with aloe vera gel can help in controlling acne.  

Precautions with Isabgol

An overdose of Isabgol could lead to diarrhea. Also, patients with throat problems like difficulty swallowing should avoid taking Isabgol. Another precaution needed to be taken with Isabgol is it can lower blood sugar level and blood pressure. Diabetics and people with hypertension should be cautious while taking Isabgol else there are benefits of Isabgol for skin.

How to take Isabgol?

Isabgol is available in powder and capsule form. If you are taking powder, you need to take one or two-teaspoon of powder. Or you can take one or two capsules a day.


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