Join Your Palms In Namaskar Position & Fold The Middle Fingers Nails Do It 7-10 Minutes For Treating Asthma

Reclining Butterfly Yoga Pose This Yogic Posture Is Quite Helpful For Cancer Patients Especially Breast Cancer Patients

Legs Up The Wall Pose Direct Effect On The Nervous System, It Can Calm Down The Frayed Nerves & A Tense Nervous System

Cat-Cow Yoga Pose Stretches And Strengthens The Entire Spine And Neck And Hips And Lower Back As Well

Cobra Pose For Ovarian Cysts Open Your Physical Contraction, Relieves From Mental Stress, Blood Circulation In Your Body

Prithvi Mudra, This Will Boost Your Immune System & Improve Your Overall Well-Being In The Asthma Treatment As Well

Linga Mudra Is For Asthmatic Patients It Can Clear The Phlegm From The Windpipe & Keep The Respiratory System Intact