Green Leafy Vegetables Like Spinach, Lettuce, Mustard Leaves & Other  Contain Antioxidants That Enhances The Natural Radiance Of Your Skin

Fruits Like Mangoes, Apples, Guava, Papaya & Others Provide Minerals, Antioxidants, Vitamins & Other Nutrients To The Body

Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Fish Contains Unsaturated Fats, Omega Fatty Acids & Other Nutrients Which Make Your Body Healthy & Skin Glowing

Red Wine Can Boost The Skin’s Ability To Retain The Natural Glow, Also It Can Reduce Premature Aging

Dark Chocolate Contains Antioxidants That Protects Your Skin From Free Radicals & Makes Skin Soft & Young

Green Tea Can Wash The Free Radicals & It Lowers Levels Of DTH & Acne-Producing Hormones To Keep Skin Free From Blemishes