Parsley Plant Is Great For Many Things Including Bone Health, Protection Of Eyes, Improvement Of Heart Function & Many More

Rosemary Plant Boosts Immune System, Improves Blood Circulation & Controls Hormonal Imbalance & Cure Digestive Problems

Mint Can Treat Asthma, Aids Weight Loss, Improves Brain Power, Provides Skin Care & Ease The Symptoms Of Morning Sickness 

Basil Plant Can Fight Free Radical Activity, Cures Depression, Helps In Diabetes Management, Also It Can Heal An Upset Tummy

Chives Plant Has Cancer Fighting Properties & It Boosts Immunity, Clearing Vision & It Eases Digestive Process

Lavender Plant Relieves Muscular, Joint Pain, Sprains & Backache, It Is Also Beneficial In Whooping Cough & Asthma

Oregano Plant Has Minerals & Iron Which Helps To Strengthens Immune System, Boosts Energy & Improves Metabolism