10 Hamstring Rehabilitation Exercises For Fitness Enthusiasts

Hamstring Rehabilitation Exercises For Fitness Enthusiasts

Weak, pulled, torn, stiff, and inflamed hamstrings could cause pain in the legs. But it will subside on its own if you take rest and take painkiller medicines. It happens because of overuse, injury, or disuse of the muscles. If you often feel pain in your legs, you should do hamstring rehabilitation exercises to strengthen your muscles and reduce the risk of injury. Start the exercises 4-6 weeks after the injury.

Hamstrings Rehabilitation Exercises Advantages

• Improved mobility
• Reduced leg pain
• Easy walking/standing/sitting
• Stress-free daily activities

Here’re 10 Best Hamstrings Rehabilitation Exercises

  1. Extension Lag
Extension Lag

How To:

• Sit at the edge of the bed with your legs above the floor and your palms on the bed
• Extend the injured leg as much as possible and hold the stretch for 10 seconds
• Do it 10 times twice or thrice a day

Benefits: It will strengthen your knee and hamstring muscles.

  1. Glute Bridge
Glute Bridge

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your knees flexed, feet shoulder-width apart, and hands by your side
• Lift your buttocks until your thighs and hips make a straight line
• Hold it for 5 seconds and come down slowly
• Do 3 sets of 8 reps twice a day

Benefits: It will lengthen the hamstring muscle without causing overextension.

  1. One-Legged Bridge
One-Legged Bridge

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your knees flexed, feet shoulder-width apart, and hands by your side
• Rest your injured leg on the other as shown above
• Push your hips up until they come in a straight line with your thigh
• Hold it for 5 seconds or up to your comfort and come down slowly
• Do 3 sets of 8 reps each twice a day

Benefits: It helps extend the hamstring muscles without strain as you rest your injured leg on the other.

  1. Prone Hamstring Curls
Prone Hamstring Curls

How To:

• Lie on your stomach with your face resting on a pillow or a rolled towel
• Slowly lift the injured leg and bring it as close to the glutes as possible
• Hold it for a couple of seconds and then back
• Do 3 sets of 8 reps twice a day

Benefits: This exercise can be practiced on any surface including a bed, sofa, or bench. But you will need a pillow to keep your face.

  1. Stretch For Tight Hamstrings
Stretch For Tight Hamstrings

How To:

• Sit on the edge of a chair with your knees flexed and feet flat on the floor
• Stretch the injured leg while keeping the other leg flexed
• Bend a little forward to feel stretch on the extended leg
• Hold it for 3 seconds and come … Read More

10 Exercises To Cure Scoliosis Spinal Curve

Exercises To Cure Scoliosis Spinal Curve

Some people have their spine curved towards a side. It is called scoliosis. It isn’t a disease by a condition caused due to cerebral palsy, spinal trauma, neuromuscular problems, or incorrect gravity response. It can affect but women are eight times more vulnerable to this condition.

What Is The Treatment Of Scoliosis?

Scoliosis can be treated with bracing exercises that can reverse the curve back to normal. Exercises could take some time in giving results but it is the most reliable way to cure scoliosis.

Here’re The 10 Best Scoliosis Exercises

  1. Scoliosis Pilates
Scoliosis Pilates

Targets: Lower Back, Lats, Glutes, Hamstrings

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your knees flexed and feet flat on the floor
• Grab a small gym ball between your knees to start
• Lift your hips to raise your mid-body and hold it for 3 seconds
• Come down and repeat it 10 times

  • Scoliosis Yoga – Cat Pose
Scoliosis Yoga – Cat Pose

Targets: Upper/Lower Back, Glutes

How To:

• Come down on all your fours
• Push your lower back down and try to look at the ceiling
• Draw the belly in to form a hunchback and look at your navel
• Relax and repeat it 20 times

  1. Scoliosis Breathing Exercise
Scoliosis Breathing Exercise

Targets: Upper/Lower Back

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your fingertips on your chest
• Breathe in breathe out 10 times
• Drop your shins and lift them again 10 times
• Lie down on your side with a pillow under your waist
• Breathe in breathe out 10 times
• Lie down on your back with your knees flexed
• Breathe in breathe out 10 times

  1. Schroth Method
Schroth Method

Targets: Upper/Lower Back

How To:

• Lie down on your right side on a mat
• Lift your left leg as much as you can and hold it for 3 seconds
• Do it 10 times
• Position yourself underneath a bar of your height so your feet touch the ground
• Hold the bar and pull your body down to feel the stretch on your back
• Count to 10 while pulling your body down
• Come to a sitting position while holding the bar and count to 10
• Repeat this set 3 times

  1. Scoliosis Bird Dog Stretching
Scoliosis Bird Dog Stretching

Targets: Lower Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Lats, Glutes, Quads

How To:

• Lie down on your belly and place a gym ball under your tummy
• Place your palms and toes firmly on the floor to start
• Lift your left leg and the right hand for 3 seconds
• Repeat it with the right leg and left hand
• Do it 10 times with each hand

  1. Triceps Raise Or Row Raise
Triceps Raise Or Row Raise

Targets: … Read More

10 Home-Based Exercises Best For Your Heart Health

Home-Based Exercises Best For Your Heart Health

Exercising is the best way to keep your heart healthy and pump fresh oxygenated blood into your body. The American Heart Association (AHA) also suggests regular exercise and healthy eating habits keep your heart young forever.

Advantages Of Exercises For Heart Health

• Increases good cholesterol (HDL) and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL)
• Boosts vascular wall function and the ability to pump blood
• Helps control diabetes and blood pressure
• Reduces the risk of heart strokes
• Improves the quality of life of people with heart conditions

Now you know the benefits of exercising for heart health, you should also know about the exercises that are good for your heart.

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobics or cardio is good for improving blood circulation and overall strength and fitness. The AHA also recommends at least 30 minutes of cardio five days a week for a healthy heart.

Here’re the five best aerobics exercises

  1. Walking

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends moderate to brisk walking for everyone. For walking, you can find a purpose like needing some fresh air and thinking of an idea. Or you can keep a pet who you can take on a walk. Or you can walk with friends and enjoy socializing while exercising.

  1. Cycling

Biking is great low-impact cardio for your heart. Research has proved that cycling reduces the risk of heart disease by 11-18%. Start using a bicycle instead of a car, if your office is within cycling distance. Also, you should use a cycle for supermarket visits.

  1. Playing A Sport
Playing A Sport

Sporting activities like badminton, tennis, and basketball that involves running and jumping increase blood circulation. The heart pumps faster so the body gets the energy it needs to run and jump. But if you have a heart condition, you should talk to your doctor before taking part in any sporting activity.

  1. Swimming

Swimming involves the whole body. When you swim, you exert pressure on every part of your body. It makes your heart works faster and improves your strength and fitness. Half-an-hour swimming three or four days a week is sufficient to keep your heart healthy.

  1. Household Chores
Household Chores

If you do household chores, then you don’t have to worry about your heart health as your involvement in the household chores keeps you active all day. Activities like cleaning, dusting, kitchen work, wardrobe arrangement, and watering plants requires lots of energy.

Strength Training

Strength Training

In addition to aerobics, you can also do strength training to keep your heart healthy. Strength training has multiple advantages like it improves muscle power, building strength, and tones muscles as well. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), 30 minutes of strength training two days a week is sufficient to … Read More

14 Weight Loss Exercises For Yoga Practitioners

Weight Loss Exercises For Yoga Practitioners

If you are looking for a time-tested and proven weight loss therapy then look no further than yoga. It has been practiced for centuries and it works for all the body. Whether you want to trim your tummy or reshape your thighs, yoga has asanas for all body parts.

Yoga For Facial Fat

  1. Simhasana

It is good exercise for toning facial muscles. Also, it is a great stress buster. It involves sitting in a lion pose and drawing your tongue out and producing a loud noise ‘haa’. The force generated in the process stretches the facial muscles, thorax, and spine.

Precautions: It has no potential risks for anyone. Also, you can do this asana while sitting on a chair, if you have trouble sitting on your knees.

  1. Jalandhara Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha

This seated pose is good for stretching and toning the muscles around the neck region. It involves pressing of chin against the chest which works on the chin muscles as well. Also, it involves retention of breath that detoxifies the lungs and improves respiration.

Precautions: Retain your breath, if you have hypertension or heart ailment. But you should avoid this asana if you have breathing issues.

Yoga For Arms

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana

It is an excellent pose to tone and strengthen your arms and biceps. It is also called the weight-bearing pose as the entire weight of the body is shifted to the hands. You can see how the practitioner in the picture has stretched her arms and biceps.

Precautions: People suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome should avoid this asana.

  1. Chaturanga Dandasana
Chaturanga Dandasana

The objective of this asana is to strengthen your core and keep it intact. The asana involves keeping the body off the ground with the help of hands. Here the entire body weight is shifted to the hands the core is involved to maintain the balance. It works well on the biceps and triceps.

Precautions: Avoid practicing this asana, if you have a shoulder or hip injury.

Yoga For Shoulders And Upper Back

  1. Bharadvajasana

This asana improves the mobility of the upper body and shoulders. Also, it improves digestion. The asana involves a deep twist that works on the back, neck, and shoulder area. Also, it involves the movement of hands and knees. It is an intermediary level pose suitable for people of all ages.

Precautions: Avoid practicing this asana, if you have problems with the spine, hips, or knees as the twist it gives to the body could be painful.

  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana

The asana involves giving an intense twist to your shoulders, neck, and spine in unison. You turn your body one side at a time and in this way move your entire body. The … Read More

Thigh Muscles Exercises

Weighted Step Side Lunge1 1

15 Exercises To Tone Your Inner Thigh Muscles For Smooth Hip Movement

You need robust inner thigh muscles for doing simple tasks like standing, walking, running, and climbing stairs. But a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle could lead to fat accumulation on the inner thigh that could make it difficult for you to do those simple tasks and even maintain a good posture.

Here’re 10 Ways To Strengthen Your Inner Thigh Muscles

  1. Jumping Jacks
Jumping Jacks

Target: Adductors, Lats, Glutes, Deltoids, Quads, Hamstrings

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands by your side
• Jump and open your feet wider than your shoulder width and move your hands above your head
• Again jump back to the original position with your hands by your sides
• Do 3 sets of 20 reps

  1. Side Lunges
Side Lunges Workout

Target: Adductors, Hip Flexors, Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulder-width
• Bend your right knee and shift your body to the right while keeping your back straight
• Pause for a moment and repeat it on the left side
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Curtsey Lunge
Curtsey Lunge

Target: Adductors, Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip Flexors

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your waist
• Lift your right leg and place it diagonally behind your left leg
• Bend your knees and lower your body
• Get back to the original position and repeat it with the left leg
• Do 2 sets of 8 reps

  1. Frog Jumps
Frog Jumps

Target: Adductors, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart
• Come down in a half-sitting position, close your palms, and bring them close to your chest
• Free your hands and propel your body to jump and land a step ahead in a full squat position
• Do 2 sets of 8 reps

  1. Side-Lying Leg Lifts
Side-Lying Leg Lifts

Target: Adductors, Glutes, Hip Flexors

How To:

• Lie down on your right side with your right hand under your head, left leg on your right leg, and left hand on your waist
• Lift your left leg without bending your back
• Pause for a moment and do it 10 times before switching your leg
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Sumo Squats
Sumo Squats

Target: Adductors, Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet wider than shoulder-width and your toes turned outwards
• Join your palms and bring them close to your chest
• Push your hips out and come down in a half-sitting position without bending your back
• Pause for … Read More

9 Exercises For Easy Labor And Normal Delivery For Expectant Mothers

Exercises For Easy Labor And Normal Delivery

Expectant mothers should know about pregnancy exercises for normal delivery that can help reduce the pain and suffering of giving birth to a child. During labor, the human body comes under extreme pressure that sometimes becomes unbearable. And for this reason, doctors suggest C-sections but they can also leave long-term side effects.

Every woman expects a normal delivery and the good thing is that normal delivery is possible, if you prepare your body for the same in advance. There are certain exercises that can help achieve a normal delivery at the right time.

Pregnancy Exercises For Normal Delivery

For convenience, the exercises are divided into three trimesters. A trimester is a period of three months, and in this way, the three trimesters cover the entire gestation period of nine months.

One thing you should know before starting exercising is that avoid doing first-trimester exercise in the second trimester.

1st Trimester pregnancy exercises for normal delivery

  1. Wall Slide
Wall Slide Pregnancy Exercises

Stand straight with your back fixed on a wall and come down in a half-sitting position. Your feet should be hip-width apart and shoulders relaxed.

How To:

• Raise your hands up against the wall and slide them upward as much as you can
• Press your hands against the wall and bring your hands down sliding against the wall
• Stop when your forearms are in the line of your shoulders and go up again
• Do 5 reps to complete 1 set

Precaution: Disengage your body if you feel pressure on your lower back and thighs.

  1. Clamshell
Clamshell Exercises

Lie on a side with your knees flexed and joined and one hand under your head and the other across the body or on the floor for support.

How To:

• Keep your heels and knees fixed to start
• Open your legs as much as you can without moving your legs
• Hold the clamshell opening for a while and then return to the original position
• Change side to repeat if from another side
• Do it 5 times from each side

Precaution: Avoid overstretching your legs while making a clamshell opening.

  1. Hip Raises/Bridge
Hip Raises/Bridge Exercises

Lie down on a soft and smooth surface. Flex your knees and keep your hands by your side.

How To:

Raise your hips slowly to a level where your torso comes in a straight line with your shoulders
for a few seconds and then bring your hips down in the same movement

Precaution: Keep your feet and hands firmly on the floor to support your body while moving your hips up and down.

2nd Trimester exercises

Downward Dog

Downward Dog Exercise

Come down on your fours with your body resting on your … Read More

12 Stretch Exercises To Strengthen Your Groin Muscles

Stretch Exercises To Strengthen Your Groin Muscles

If you are looking for stretching exercises to strengthen your groin muscles then you should try the following 12 exercises. Strong groin muscles are helpful in activities like walking, jumping, and side by side movements. Also, the stretching exercises would reduce pain and enhance flexibility.

Here’re a dozen stretch exercises you can practice to strengthen your groin muscles

Lying Groin Stretching Exercises

Lying Groin Stretching Exercises

Target: Hip flexors, glutes, adductors, and hamstrings

How To:

• Lie on your back with your keen flexed and feet closed and flat on the floor
• Keep a pillow below your head for convenience
• Draw your knees apart until you feel the stretch
• Hold for 30 seconds and then come back
• You can use your hands to press your knees apart
• Repeat this exercise 5-10 times

Adductor Squeeze

Adductor Squeeze Exercise

Target: Adductors

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your knees flexed, feet closed, and flat on the floor
• Grab a medium-size football between your knees and lift your feet towards the ceiling
• Gently squeeze the ball using your adductor muscles
• Hold for 10 seconds and release
• Do 3 sets of 4 reps each

Side Lying Groin Stretch

Side Lying Groin Stretching Exercises

Target: Hamstrings, abductors, adductors, and glutes

How To:

• Lie down on your right side with your legs stretched and head resting on your right hand
• Raise your left leg until you feel the stretch in your groin area
• Hold it for 3 seconds and then relax
• For support, you can use your left hand
• Change the position to repeat the exercise from the left side
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps each from both sides

Lying Single Leg Adductor Stretch

Lying Single Leg Adductor Stretch

Target: Glutes, abductors, adductors, and hip flexors

How To:

• Lie down on the floor with your knees flexed and head resting on a pillow
• Keep your feet closed and flat on the floor
• Slowly drop your right knee to the floor with the help of your right hand
• Hold for up to 5 seconds and then back
• Repeat it with the left leg
• Do 2 sets of 5 reps each with each leg

Lying Internal Adduction

Lying Internal Adduction

Target: Glutes, adductors, and abductors

How To:

• Lie down on your right side with your legs straight and head resting on a pillow
• Flex your left knee and keep a firm foot on the floor
• Raise your right leg until you feel the stress in your groin area
• Hold the position for 3 seconds and then relax
• Change position to do it with your left leg
• Do this 10 times with each leg… Read More

5 Yoga Exercises That Can Cure Ovarian Cysts

Cobra Pose

Are you suffering from ovarian cysts and looking for the right treatment option? If yes then this blog could be helpful for you to learn basic yoga poses for ovarian cysts. For treatment, your doctor might adopt a wait and watch policy before prescribing medicines or suggesting surgical treatment.

The good thing is that most women get rid of ovarian cysts without getting any specific treatment. But you shouldn’t wait for any miracle to happen and start doing yoga exercises.

Here’re five different basic yoga poses for ovarian cysts that could provide fast relief from the problem

Butterfly Yoga Poses

Butterfly Yoga Poses

It is Purna Titli Asana and it is simple and helpful. It is a great stretching exercise as it can open up your thighs, and hips. Also, it will relieve your physical and mental stress.

How To:

• Sit in a lotus pose
• Flex your knees so your soles touch each other
• Here you need to place your legs in such a manner that they come close to your pubic area and try to keep them as close as possible to the pubic area
• Start pulling your legs inwards as much as possible
• Sit with your back straight and your hands on your feet
• Take a deep breath and try to push your needs down towards the ground while you exhale
• Use your hands to push your knees downwards
• Feel comfortable while sitting in this pose
• Allow your knees to come back up in a flapping motion as you exhale
• Practice this exercise for 15 to 20 minutes


It could take you some time to become comfortable in this pose. You need to continue the practice until you are comfortable.

Basic Reclining Butterfly Yoga Poses

Reclining Butterfly Yoga Poses

If you aren’t comfortable in the butterfly pose, you can try the reclining pose which is much easier and more comfortable than the previous pose. And it is as beneficial as the butterfly pose is. The advantage of the reclining pose is that it allows flexibility to the back and neck.

How To:

• Start the exercise by making the butterfly pose
• Take a deep breath and lean back slowly while you exhale
• Use your hands for support while balancing your lower back and pelvis
• Now bring your torso down on the floor but slowly
• Let your torso touch down the floor
• You can choose to use a pillow to support your neck or use your hands for neck support
• Your knees should be flexed away from your hips and feet facing towards your hips
• Let your knees … Read More

Gym Ball Exercise

Swiss Ball Incline Push-Up

Swiss ball or gym ball exercises have more advantages than others and the good thing is that you can do these exercises at home. The biggest advantage of Gym ball exercises is they make work out more interesting and challenging.

Advantages of Gym ball exercises:

• Improved balance
• Enhanced strength
• Increased flexibility
• Lesser fatigue
• Suitable for all

For exercising, you need a quality Swiss ball of appropriate size and some training on how to perform exercises on a ball.

Here’re 10 best Gym ball exercises you can practice at home.

Gym Ball Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Target: Triceps, biceps, glutes, shoulders, core, and wrist flexors and extensors

How To:

• Sit on a stability ball with small dumbbells in each hand
• Assume a supine position with your spine resting on the ball, feet flat on the floor, and shoulder-width apart
• Extend your hands and bring the dumbbells down to your ears and then back to the starting position
• Do 3 sets of 15 reps each with 90 seconds resting time between each set

Gym Ball Tricep Dip

Swiss Ball Tricep Dip

Target: Triceps, biceps, glutes, calves, hamstrings, shoulders, and wrist flexors and extensors

How To:

• Sit on a ball with your hands firmly placed beside your buttocks
• Take a few steps to move your buttocks away from the ball
• Your feet should be flat on the floor and weight divided between hands and feet
• Slowly dip your buttocks to the floor and stop before touching the mat
• Get up slowly and safely and repeat
• Do 3 sets of 15 reps each with 90 seconds rest between each set

Note: Beginners can stabilize the ball by placing it against a wall.

Swiss Ball Rear Deltoid Row

Swiss Ball Rear Deltoid Row

Target: Biceps, hamstrings, glutes, back of your shoulders, and wrist flexors and extensors

How To:

• Lie on your belly on a ball with small size dumbbells in each hand
• Keep your body straight with your neck, back, and thighs making a straight line
• Extend your hands sideways and raise your arms to bring hands in line with your shoulders
• Squeeze and contract your shoulder blades and return back to the starting position after a small pause
• Do 2 sets of 15 reps each with 60 seconds between each set

Gym Ball Dumbbell Chest Press

Swiss Ball Dumbbell Chest Press

Target: Triceps, biceps, shoulders, core, and chest

How To:

• Sit on a ball with a medium-size dumbbell in each hand
• Walk a few steps ahead to bring your back on the ball
• Keep your feet flat on the floor with your back, buttocks, and thighs making a straight line
• Bring the … Read More

10 Exercises That Burn Side Flab Faster

Exercise For Belly Fat

It is easier to burn belly fat with exercise and you will be surprised to know that only half an hour of exercise on alternate days is sufficient to burn side fat. Also, exercises that burn side flab can tone up your oblique muscles as well.

Here’re 10 exercise that burn belly fat you can practice at home

Starfish Exercise For Belly Fat

Starfish Exercise

A variation of side plank, starfish is considered great exercises that burn side flab. And this challenging pose also develops balance.

How To:

• Come in the side plank position
• Straighten your back and balance your position to start
• Raise your leg and straighten it
• Raise your hand and touch your toes with your fingers
• Wait for a while and return to the starting position
• Do 15 reps from each side

Side Plank Circles

Side Plank Circles

Side plank circles exercise has several advantages as it works on oblique muscles, lowers belly pooch, and tones bum. It also reduces muffin tops and love handles.

How To:

• Come in the side plank position
• Engage your core to start the exercise
• Raise your leg and straighten it in a horizontal position
• Start creating big circles by moving your leg
• First more it in the clockwise direction and then in anti-clockwise
• Do 20 circles in each direction on both sides

Oblique Crunch

Oblique Crunch Exercises

The advantage of oblique crunch is that it targets both the lower and upper body fat. Also, it strengthens oblique muscles and reduces fat from all sides.

How To:

• Lay down on your back with your legs bent and feet off the floor
• Take your left hand behind your head while keeping the right hand towards your side
• Now raise the left knee and try to touch the knee with your left elbow
• Avoid moving your right hand from your side
• Take the left knee to the original position and do 10 reps with the left site
• Change the hand to do 10 reps of the exercise with the right elbow and the right knee

Piked Elbow Twists

Piked Elbow Twists

It is more effective in reducing side fat because it targets oblique muscles. Also, it works on the abdominal area, buttocks, and thighs.

How To:

• Lay down on your back with your legs straightened and hands extended beyond the head
• Engage our back and core to start
• Raise both your arms and legs to bring your body into a sitting position
• Your head would be slightly off the floor and you will try to balance your body on your buttocks
• Turn to your right side, fold your … Read More