Selena Gomez Beauty

Selena Gomez announced to launch her makeup

Salena Gomez is a smart business-savvy, talented and very hot stunning Celebrity. She was in this industry since her childhood. Her figure transformed a lot.

When she was transforming, she was trolled from the internet, press and other social media alike. Instead of feeling bad she does more effort to attain the perfect body and being successful in it. To keep her body sexy and lean and cut off her weight, she takes the help of Amy Rosoff Davis, the celebrity trainer. She uses to do the workout with him in 3-5 days in a weak daily and 6-7 days a week while on tour.

Let read below the secrets of her Fitness which also help to look like Gomez-

Workout Schedule

 The First Day- she does the circuit in 20 mins.
• Warm-up
• jogging
• lunges
• Squats
• Stretches
• Jumping jacks

Second Day- same 20 min circuit
• Warm-up
• Stretch
• Jogging
• Crunches
• Push-ups
• Lunges
• Squats
• Jumping jacks

Third-Day- 30-40 min exercise

• Warm-up
• Circuit training

Forth Day- 60 min circuits.

• Warm-up
• Pilates

Fifth Day- this is a rest day

Sixth Day- in 60 min circuit

• Warm-up
• Meditation
• Yoga

Seventh Day- Also a rest day.

Diet Schedule

Selena loves to eat all types of food. She swapped out fast food with some healthy food. She drinks a lot of water in a day to hydrate her skin.

Look at her 3 Meals in a Day-

• Breakfast- Gomez eat Half a Burrito contain chorizo, scramble egg, granola, Greek yogurt, avocado

• Lunch- she used to take Salad containing Turkey, avocado, beans with some sprinkled olive oil, Dijon mustard, lemon juice and red wine vinegar in lunch.

• Dinner- She loves to take the Teriyaki Bowl of Avocado, marinated cucumber, rice with Teriyaki sauce, chicken with sushi or salmon in the night.

Disclaimer: The workout schedule and diet discussed in the content is suggested by Selena
Gomez who achieved great results by following that schedule. But whether it is useful for others as well is yet to be proved.

Taylor Swift Beauty Secrets[:ar]أسرار الجمال تايلور سويفت[:id]Rahasia Kecantikan Taylor Swift


Beauty and Fitness Secrets of Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a well-known personality across the globe due to her singing talent. She is also illustrious for her beauty because she has a smooth and gorgeous skin appearance, therefore she looks adorable without excess makeup.

She is just 24 years old and has received so many achievements in her life in which she has received the Grammy as well. She did abundant single hits and all are most treasured. She is good-mannered and loving in nature which adds great charm to her personality. She had underway her singing career in young age and now she is known as singing Sensation.

Taylor Swift has naturally glowing skin which does not require excess makeup to look ravishing. She has a smooth and glowing skin texture. Her hair is curly that makes her innocent and cute.

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Know here few Taylor Swift Beauty Secrets-

  • Skincare

For her soft and healthy skin, she always elects products very carefully and firmly follow the diet plans that give complete protection and hydration to the skin. Most importantly, she followed her mother’s advice whether it is for makeup, styling hair, wearing shoes and much more.

  • Makeup

In her interview, she confesses that she was unknown and completed catastrophes about makeup, but she is very appreciative to her mother who had familiarized her to the makeup. Her mother always helps her with choosing dresses and carrying makeup to look adorable. She puts light makeup that includes eyeliner, mascara, natural shadows, and natural lipstick.

  • Hair

She is the only single who never desires to dye her hair because she has an afraid of damage. Naturally, she has curly hair that looks soft and gives the decent look to her personality. To give her hair perfect curl she only picks Conair ceramic instant heat spiral styler.

  • Lip and eye makeup

For her eyes, she started using liquid eyeliner that looks good. Taylor loves red Shade In lipstick most that make her hot. She uses easy and unique way to put on lips. Apply one stroke and blots it with tissue.

  • Diet plan

She is a gourmet person and always ready to prepare and eat food. She takes heavy breakfast and then keeps whole the day light. She always drinks plenty of water and sticks to yogurt, salads, and sandwiches.

  • Exercise

To keep her Fit and perfect she workout really hard. She loves to keep herself healthy and fit. She fancies mostly cardio exercises and running on the treadmill.[:ar]

أسرار الجمال واللياقة من تايلور سويفت

تايلور سويفت هي شخصية معروفة في جميع أنحاء العالم بسبب موهبتها الغنائية. كما أنها لامعة لجمالها لأنها تتمتع بمظهر جلد ناعم ورائع ، لذلك تبدو رائعة بدون

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Skin Care Tips – How To Have A Clear Complexion

clear skin

When it comes to skin care, everyone is in the quest for a clearer complexion. The presence of acne makes the skin dull – something many people try to cope with through cosmetic product. Here are some skin care tips to a clearer complexion:

Take good care of your body: to achieve this, you need to eat a balanced diet containing all the essential nutrients and engage in regular workouts.

clear skin

Understanding your skin type: There exist different skin types including dry, oily, natural, and a combination.
Regularly wash your face: ensure you wash your face at least every morning and night before heading to bed.
Tone your skin after washing: toning is important as it helps get rid of the residues which are missed out by the cleanser that can cause acne and dull complexion.

Moisturize: this happens to be one of the best friend for your skin. However, when selecting a moisturizer, it is very important to be cautious.
Use facial masks: these are essential in that they help in the removal of impurities from the pores of your skin.

Steam your face: carry this out once in every week. Make it as a part of your exercise regimen.

Exfoliate: there are facial cleansers with the ability to exfoliate your face every day.
Use the right foundation: there are several types of foundation you can apply on your skin.
Avoid picking or popping: this will help to avoid causing injuries to your skin. Picking and popping can create deep scars, which can be difficult to get rid of.


Use Patato: Potato is a usual peroxiding agent that plays a main role in brightening your skin and giving it a usual glow.

Dry Brushing: Dry brushing is a humble cleansing process for your body. It arouses a organs from side to side with a gentle massage.

Olive Oil: This natural salt and oil body scrub is low-priced and actual; and works as well as other are costly.
Coconut Milk: This is one of the best natural tips for skin care.
Use Vinegar: Vinegar has antioxidants that bout free radicals and also retain bacterial and fungal impurities at bay.

Following these skin care tips will definitely lead to a clearer complexion.

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Skin Care Tips for Teenage Girls In Summer

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If you are searching for skin care tips for teens then you must read on. The skin problem is quite common amongst the teenagers. You can see most teens being affected from the acne, pimple and blemishes.

Below are discussed about the simple natural skin care tips which are helpful to retain healthy skin.

Helpful Tips for Teenage Girls:

Understand Your Skin Type:

First of all you should know your skin type. Before starting a specific skin care routine, you should understand your skin type and then use the products as per its needs. Pick the cosmetics which suit your skin and tackle your problems.

skin care tips



This is one of the vital tips all teens should follow essentially. You should include twice to thrice cleansing a day. This helps to clean your pores and removes the dirt from your face. If you do not perform cleansing, then the dirt will get settled on your face and block the pores.

Lotion Benefits:

Using lotions is beneficial to get healthy and perfect skin in teens. Cleansing is important, especially when it comes to removing your makeup. Using sunscreen lotion is helpful to keep away from sunlight. You should use those sunscreen products with SPF 30 and up.


Diet is essential not only to maintain health, but also to retain glowing and clear skin. Often teens tend to fall prey to eating junk foods. You should drink lots of water to keep clear and smooth skin. Try to make water your best friend. Hydrate your body with a lotion.


Exercise is important to maintain good skin. When you exercise, you sweat and this helps to flush out lots of toxins from your body. If these toxins reside in your body, then it will have adverse effects on your skin.

Bottom line:

Now that you’ve read about the tips you should start caring for your skin. Remember that some of the skin issues can turn into serious health problems so bid goodbye to junk foods. If you’ve already got few acne or pimples; do not prick them instead you can use the skin brighteners.