Chris Hemsworth’s New Fitness App That Abolishes All Excuses For Not Workout!

Chris Hemsworth Fitness App

Australian celebrity Chris Hemsworth’s is very popular with his character Thor in the Avengers and have such a well train physique in Hollywood. He is very dedicated to his work even for his body. Remaining fit is also a part of his job. Avenger Actor Chris Hemsworth recently launching a brand new fitness app which allows users to attain a body like him.

His social media workout videos are very famous and recently he posted a video on Instagram to promote this app. So you must follow this app to take your fitness at the next level. This video reminds us of the techniques we forget nowadays while gyming. It is quite a fun exercise video and encourage us to go to the gym with our friends which increase our progress and you could do the difficult ones very easily with your friend’s motivation.

Chris Hemsworth Fitness

What’s inside the Chris Hemsworth fitness app?

We saw Chris Hemsworth in this video with his gym trainer Luke Zocchi and mate Jorge. In this clip, he seems to lift kettlebells and heavy Weights with so much of struggle and his friend’s encouragement. You must follow this by adding some music as your choice.

Hemsworth uploads this video with the caption: “wrestling some iron with Jorge and zoco while zelling loudly and playing dramatic music. Wanna see more of this madness?”

It’s looking very enjoyable and interesting and his fans and followers comment below “yes, yes and we love to do so”……….some people try this for 30 days and become addicted to this and now Australia is far away from over its Chris passion.

Bhumi Pednekar Weight Loss: Lose 21 Kgs In 4 Months, A Stunning Transformation!

Bollywood industry is a place for refinement and perfection the way you behave, dress, look, to your weight, every single thing is perceived. But when the top actress Bhumi Pednekar makes her first appearance in Dum Laga K Haisha without weight loss, it was very challenging to think that someone with heavyweight can enter in this industry, where only the sexy and fit body exists.

But after her first film, she manages to reduce her extra weight and surprise everyone with her super sensuous new avatar. She lost 21 kgs in 4 months only. It was only attainable by conscientious and very hard work on her body.

Bhumi Pednekar Weight Loss

Do you want to know how she managed to drop her weight and become fat to fit? Here we are introducing her diet secrets and weight loss plans.

Bhumi Pednekar Weight Loss & Diet Secrets:

Morning time-breakfast and exercise routine

Bhumi Pednekar Breakfast

First, she goes for a morning workout in the gym. Then she eats multi-grain bread with the white part of 3 eggs. How we forget the milk? Without milk her breakfast is incomplete. Some time she also adds fish, boiled vegetables, chicken and chana in her first meal.

Bhumi Pednekar afternoon time-weight loss lunch

Bhumi Pednekar Lunch

She loved to eat veggies, roti, dal rice or chicken rice in her lunch. She also includes one glass of buttermilk, some veggies, and two chapattis.

Mid-evening time-snacks


She eats half a papaya and guava in mid-evening snacks. Some time she also takes one cup of green tea, further with almonds or walnuts as well. At 7’o clock, her time was to eat one bowl of salad with some dried fruits.

Night routine-dinner

As every diet schedule, Bhumi also eats her dinner at 8 o’clock. The dinner included streamed veggies, Paneer, and seafood with some brown rice.

So, these are some facts of her story behind her biggest transformation. If you think you need to lose some weight so must keep in mind if she could do it then you also can make yourself toned. Follow this diet plan to make your body fit and sexy.

Habits That Can Change Your Life For Better

Life Changing Habits

Start a quality life by making some life changing habits like waking up early, doing exercise and planning your day in advance. Finally, you can sit down to pen your thoughts for reading in future.

let’s discuss some of life changing habits

Proper rest

Proper Rest

It is necessary to take proper rest to rejuvenate your tired self. Sound sleep recharges body and mind and readies you for challenges. Research shows that an adult must take at least seven to eight hours sleep in a day. Not taking proper rest would create unnecessary tension in body and mind.

Plan your day

After taking a good night sleep, you can go on scheduling your day to accomplish goals. The accomplishments would make you feel happy and positive at the end of the day. Spending a few moments on planning your day would make things simple and easy for you.


Reading Habits

Reading is a good habit because it makes a complete man. Reading books and newspapers would boost your knowledge. Today you can read blogs on your mobile or buy a tab for reading purpose. There are so many things to read that you can spend hours in reading.

Learn single tasking

Learn Single Tasking

Try completing one task at a time before trying multitasking. Instead of stressing yourself, you should focus on tasks complete the given tasks one-by-one. Taking stress would create unnecessary hurdles in completing tasks.

Appreciation is a best life changing habits

You should become a good friend by appreciating others. For example, just saying “Thank You” can make people around you happy. You can make more friends by keeping your approach friendly. Do more to improve yourself


Exercising Habits

Regular exercising would keep you going all the time. It is necessary to keep your body and mind fit and fine. You can start with light exercises to save time and increase your physical activity to get maximum benefits.

Socializing is best life changing habits

Socializing Is Best Life Changing Habits

Become friend with likeminded people that also think like you. In this way, you will get the company of positive minds. Also, take a break from social media to find time to interact with people around you. It is called social media detox and it becomes necessary in today’s time.


Pamper yourself by taking relaxing breaks from backbreaking job. For example, you can talk to a close friend or visit a new place to feel relaxed. Or you can read an interesting book or watch a movie of your choice. Listening songs can also help in self-care.

Meditation is good life changing habits

Meditation Is Good Life Changing Habits

Meditation is a good habit because it … Read More

Diane Kruger Diet Plan And Workout Routine Which Makes Her Healthy And Beautiful

Diane Kruger Workout

Actress Diane Kruger has a remarkable beauty that just impossible to resists. She began her career as a model but she ultimately discovered her passion for acting. In starting, she appears in a few French movies then she went to Hollywood. Here we will discus Diane Kruger diet plans.

She is one of our beauty icon having the enviable physique. She admires us to look fit and beautiful.

Here, we share some Diane Kruger diet secrets of her amazing body:

Diet secret of Diane’s Kruger

Diane Kruger Diet Secret

She is not diet conscious and enjoys every type of food. Her food always contains nutrients and protein. She reveals that cheese, wine, and butter are her biggest weakness and very difficult in giving them up.

• Her breakfast always includes avocado, poached egg on multi-grain bread, and a cup of coffee.

• Then she takes salmon with rice at lunch.

• For dinner, she like chicken or veal with veggies and red wine.

• She prefers some snacks in between meals as she opts for nuts and fruits.

Diane’s workout schedule:-

Diane Kruger Workout

Recently, she started a journey of motherhood. After the 4 months of her delivery, she gets her toned and fit body back. Maintaining an active lifestyle and resolve to exercise and workout goals after giving birth are inspiring. She is also a good dancer and love to do ballroom dancing.

Instead of her hectic schedule, she invests her time in exercise. She mostly enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and cycling that keep her energetic on the whole day. Although she is not so gym freak she uses to do some of her favorite workouts like cardio, weight lifting, and squats to stay fit and toned.

3 of The Best Anti-aging treatment at home using Rice flour

Rice is one of the best food in India and many countries. Nowadays, rice is known as a perfect anti-aging treatment for all skin types and in various skincare products.

Benefits of Rice flour

  • It has an anti-bacterial property that can treat acne
  • This has perfect UV protection
  • This can be effective as removing tanning and sunburns

You can use rice-flour in many ways so have a look at the following:

  1. Rice flour and egg mask

To prep this mask takes the following ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. of rice flour (homemade)
  • 2 eggs
  • Glycerin (5-6 drops)


Take a bowl and add all the above ingredients in it. Mix it well and make sure there are no lumps. Prep like a thick paste (do not make it too hard) suitable for your face and easy to apply.

Now, apply this mask on face until it dries. Leave the mask 10 minutes before rinsing it off.


  • It will tighten your skin
  • This gently exfoliates your skin and remove dead skin cells
  • This remove dark circles and wrinkles


  1. Rice Flour and Yogurt

To prep this mask follows the following method:


  • 1 cup of fresh yogurt
  • 3-4 tbsp. rice flour


Mix all ingredients well and prep a thick paste. Add water if needed to make its consistency. Apply this mask on your face and keep it till it dries. Then wash off your face with water.


  • Yogurt has anti-bacterial properties that fight with free radicals and acne.
  • This helps in reduce acne and irritate the skin
  • This prevents aging marks such as wrinkles and fine lines
  1. Rice flour and cleansing mask
  • 4-5 tbsp. of rice flour
  • A cup of milk
  • Edible oil for consistency (coconut or almond)


Take a mixing bowl and add the above ingredients in it. Mix them well and form a thick paste. Apply this mask on face and leave it for 30 minutes or until it dries.

Wash off your face with cold water.


  • This revives the skin energy naturally
  • It keeps skin refreshing and younger
  • This helps in removing tanning and dark circles

Other tips you should follow for younger appearance:

  • Eat green vegetables
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Go for exercise
  • Perform exfoliation on the skin
  • Give yourself time
  • Take your vitamins to stay healthyRice is one of the best food in India and many countries. Nowadays, rice is known as a perfect anti-aging treatment for all skin types and in various skincare products.Benefits of Rice flour
    • It has an anti-bacterial property that can treat acne
    • This has perfect UV protection
    • This can be effective as removing tanning and sunburns

    You can use rice-flour in many ways so have a look at

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10 Beauty Hacks to Look Beautiful Without Makeup

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Do you love makeup? Are you spend maximum hours in front of the mirror to look gorgeous? Unquestionably, makeup is a powerful tool to look beautiful all day long. However, makeup is good to wear, but it takes a long time to give perfection.

If we talk about natural beauty it sounds authentic. This gives you confidence that you do not need any cosmetics to look beautiful.

It is possible to look every day beautiful without makeup. Just follow some given tips for every night and morning routine that let your beauty shine naturally.

If you’re suffering from skin issues acne, flakiness, dryness and uneven texture, eliminating these can go long and you look gorgeous and radiant without a drop of makeup.

Let us find out beauty hacks!

  1. Always look what you’re eating

It is important to note down. For glowing skin, you should avoid fried and street foods. Eating green vegetables, nuts, and fruits in daily routine help to get healthy and naturally glowing skin. Must add food that is high in omega-3 fatty acids as well as fiber and vitamins. The wholesome intake of vitamins, proteins, and fiber every day will give you a natural glow.


  1. Take Complete Rest

A good night sleep describes whole about how you feel and look. According to doctors, a maximum of 8 hours of sleep is essential not just for a natural glow, but also for relaxation in body and brain. This gently refreshes your body and skin to look healthy. By taking 8 hours of sleep every night, leave a natural glow on your face. Even this prevents dark circles, puffiness and eye bags under eyes. Always take beauty sleep of 8 hours.

  1. Do Workout

Doing regular exercise or yoga can be a good start for healthy and glowing skin. Doing much physical activity work for both mental and physical health. Scientifically, it is proven to do physical exercises add benefits for your skin. This improves blood circulation and oxygen amount towards cells that help to get rid of toxins and unwanted fat from the body too. This also reduces stress and calm your entire body, resultant you look healthy and beautiful.

  1. Always Strict to a Skin Routine

It is crucial to understand what your skin type is and what products beneficial for your skin. Don’t rely on such products. Use a natural moisturizer, cleansing, and toner for healthy and even skin. Must follow consistent morning and night routine. Use SPF to protect skin from UV rays and hard cream for your hands, legs, and feet.

  1. Exfoliation is Crucial

To wipe off dirt, damaged skin and impurities from the skin exfoliation is a way to clean skin surface and renew skin … Read More

Get Complete Guidance How To Get Rid Of Fatty Liver & What to Eat And Avoid?

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Fatty liver becoming a common disease in various parts of the world. About 30% of people are suffering from fatty liver worldwide, which includes both young and old generation.

This mainly linked with obesity and type 2 diabetes or other problems associated with insulin resistance.

If you have a fatty liver, you have to become serious about your health. Therefore, look into this article can be beneficial for you.

Here, we have shared everything what should you know about. What fatty liver is, how to get rid of, what to eat and avoid, causes, and more.

What is fatty liver?

Fatty liver disease occurs when an excess build-up of fat in liver cells. Well, it’s quite normal liver stored tiny fat in cells, but when it tends to increase due to intake of high-calorie food and inflammation in the liver, considered as fatty liver.

This condition also is known as Steatohepatitis or NASH. This considers as liver damage due to inflammation or when it stored fat more than 5 %. This condition is difficult to predict own but it’s important to every individual they should go through routine check-up for prevention or early treatment.

If this not treated on time it may lead you in serious damage as in liver cancer, heart disease, kidney disease and more. It is reversible in the early stage, but if it goes long, this becomes serious.

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Causes of fatty liver

There are a numbers of factors responsible for fatty liver. This might include:



  • Obesity

Obesity is one of the strong reason for fatty liver. This caused due to low inflammation power of the body that may promote liver fat storage. It mainly attacks young people and children.

  • Insulin confrontation

If you’re patient of diabetes, high cholesterol, and high insulin levels then having the fatty liver disease is common. This is because of low metabolism level of the body.

  • Excess intake of sugary beverage

Alcohol, cold-drinks, sodas, cookies and more also the reasons of fatty liver or fat build-up in the liver. This increases the power of accumulation of fat in the body.

  • Unbalanced gut health

The excess amount of bacteria in the body unbalanced digestive and gut health. This contributes to fat build-up and weakens of the body system.

  • Consumption of refined carbs

If you consume refined carbs frequently, the risk of fatty liver is high. When you intake a high amount of carbs. This leads you in obesity resultant weaken immune system and occurrence of disease.

How do you know your liver is fatty?

You can find by seeking the following symptoms in your body, although this may be different in different bodies. Take a look:

  • Fatigue body
  • Weakness
  • Pain in
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Jennifer Lawrence Diet And Workout Plan

Jennifer Lawrence Beauty

Jennifer Lawrence, in full Jennifer Shrader Lawrence, (born August 15, 1990, Indian Hills, northeast of Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.), Well known American actress who was famous for her versatility on-screen and her accessible, honest off-screen persona. Lawrence knew from an early age that she wanted to act, and she began performing in school plays and local theatre in Louisville, Kentucky. At the age of 14, in 2005, hoping to break into acting and modeling. Jennifer Lawrence is also known for her diet and workout routine.

Let’s discuss about Jennifer Lawrence diet and workout routine…

Jennifer Lawrence diet and nutrition

Diet and exercise are relatively realistic and refreshingly inconsistent. Because when you’re traveling the world and working long hours on movie sets, who has time for meal prep and three-hour gym sessions.

  • As part of that diet, which meant swapping fast food cravings for lean meats like chicken breast and snacking on banana chips.
  • She would always have some full-fat Greek yogurt, some dark chocolate, some hummus, and vegetables.
  • Some air-popped popcorn.
  • Hard-boiled whole eggs are protein-rich and loaded with vitamins.
  • Peanut Butter-filled Celery Canoes
  • Cashews And Blueberries
  •  Almond Milk
  • Coconut Water
  • Lemon Water
  • Organic Red Wine
  • Coconut Milk Yogurt

Jennifer Lawrence Beauty

Workout Regime

  • 15 min of jogging in the morning
  • Lifting weights like dumbbells, kettlebell, and barbells.
  • 3 sets of 15 reps of lunges, squats, jumping squats
  • Push-ups, planks, jumping jacks, calf raises
  • Wall sits, donkey kicks, and hip thrusts
  • She got enough sleep
  • Walking and running also help release the feel-good hormones
  • Yoga and meditation help relieve the body so you can sleep better
  • She also recommends sipping water throughout the day
  • She worked on her posture with the help of T-Bird Exercise

Julianne Moore Fitness Regime For A Youthful Look

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Julianne Moore Diet & Fitness regime for a youthful look

A hot, Children’s author and super-talented actress, Julianne Moore no need an introduction. She is very popular in the Hollywood film industry as well as worldwide. She started her career in the 90s and she was nominated four times for Oscar for her powerful roles. The reason for fitness is Julianne Moore diet.

The movies such as some of the Heaven, The end of the Affair, Boogie Nights and more are films that made her career. Recently, she appeared in the movie, Non-Stop. It was a thrilling movie and she looked awesome with her divine beauty and hot figure.

Julianne Moore Diet & Fitness

She was the victim of depression, Insomnia, and myriad ailments. To her life back, Julianne shared how she does hard work to maintain her body and mind calm. She takes acupressure for relief in body and brain. To maintain a healthy lifestyle. To attain her figure and calming state of mind she follows the following diet and workout regime. Take a look.

Julianne’s Workout Regime

Julianne has been dedicated for her workout since her younger days. The mom of two children stills hold hot body and the entire credit goes to her hard work. She does yoga for a flexible and safe body.

She does yoga three times a week. She also does various exercises to maintain lean muscles. She always tries new challenges in a workout to improve her strength.

Julianne’s Diet Plan

She always eats healthy and nutritious that keep her body PH and nutrition level balanced. She allows her children to prefer to eat healthily. She generally focuses on eating eggs, fish, green veggies, fruits and more. She keeps herself away from sugar and dairy products.

For her skin, she drinks plenty of water, juice and coconut water. To get rid of body toxins she performs detoxification with a juice diet program.

She said, her secret for a lean body and flawless skin is regulated diet consumed by her.

Keira Knightley

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Keira Knightley Health Tips, Diet Plan &Beauty Secrets

Keira Knightley is a popular English actress who known for her acting talent and yes for beauty too.  She has revived numerous nominations and awards in her career. Also, she was nominated for Academy award for Pirates of the Caribbean.

Keira has a stunning look and figure. She is anastounding actress since from 7 years of her age. She is blessed with slender body since her childhood.  You might be shocked to know, Keira put on her weight to look $exier because the doctor recommended her stops exercising and eat well to attain size 12.

Keira Knightley Hot Images 9

Keira Anxiety Therapy

Keira is very open and recently she talked about anxiety therapy and her changing attitude while speaking to Elle US. She said, I was the one who had body issues. And it’s quite normal when you in the twenties and looked at the mirror and thought your legs, arms and belly are worse than others.

She said, to avoid such anxiety issues, I prefer to do anxiety therapy that helped to keep me fresh and confident. She also requested to all woman to go for anxiety therapy if they really want to lead life otherwise these issues indulge your inner peace.

Keira Diet plan


It’s hard to believe Keira is a foody person. She esteems food and can’t live without eating her favourite food.  However, she takes care of what she eats and divides her meal six times a day.

She eats food only when she feels hungry so this nourishes the body and feels energetic. She eats all type of food by marinating meals.

Keira Fitness

Keira generally derisions gym. She feels bored in the gym and does fewer exercises. The funniest thing she told us about the gym routine. She goes to the gym to drink cucumber water and returned home. She just hates the gym and feels lethargic while others doing gym.

Apart from it, she does some exercises to keep her fit advisable by her gym trainer. She spent her half an hour to do the workout. She does a yoga posture.

She does cardio to ensure good heart health, get relief from stress, keeping her fit. She also does boxing, weightlifting, fighting and more.

Beauty tips by Keira

She said, if a woman want to look healthy and beautiful they need to do anxiety therapy and love their selves. Eating healthy body nourishes your body and body parts functions properly. Health is a supreme priority so be careful and does exercises to keep the body healthy.
