Matcha Green Tea Is Good For Weight Loss But It Has Side Effects

Metabolism Booster

Matcha green powder tea is good for weight loss because it has more antioxidants in comparison to other green tea brands. It is ten times more potent than the regular green tea you drink.

Matcha tea plants are kept under shade to increase their chlorophyll levels. The making process includes steaming, drying, and stone grounding the leaf buds to make green tea powder. While dieting and exercising is the right way to lose weight, drinking matcha tea can increase the rate of weight loss.

Matcha green tea boost your metabolic rate, provide instant energy, and make you feel full all day.

Low Calories

Low Calories

The calorie content of matcha tea is much lower than that of green tea. If you drink 1 g of matcha tea, you get only 3 calories. So, drinking a few cups of this powder won’t add many calories to your weight. You even don’t have to worry if you drink 2 g of this tea.

More Antioxidants

More Antioxidants

Since matcha tea is obtained from the same plant as green tea, it also has an abundance of the antioxidant compound found in green tea. Green tea is rich in Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) but matcha tea has 137 times more antioxidants than Chinese green tea. When you drink powder tea, you consume the whole leaves but it isn’t possible with other teas where leaves are discarded as residue. Antioxidants help in weight loss by flushing out toxins, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation.

Metabolism Booster

Metabolism Booster

Metabolic rate is the speed at which the body burns fat. You are obese because your metabolic rate is slower. But matcha tea can help improve the metabolic rate. It contains catechins that can boost your metabolic rate during and after exercises. And the increase in metabolic rate will have to make your body a fat-burning machine.

Fat Burner

Fat Burner

The burning of fat is a biochemical process in which large molecules of fat are broken down into triglycerides that are used up by the body or excreted. Since matcha tea can boost metabolism, it can help burn fat faster. According to a study, matcha tea can boost your metabolic rate up to 45% and that is a huge jump that can turn your body into a fat burner. Also, it can improve your exercise endurance that will further help in weight loss.

Matcha Green Tea Balances Blood Glucose

Matcha Green Tea Balances Blood Glucose

Matcha tea can help regulate your blood sugar levels with its dietary fibers that will give you the feel of fullness for a long time. And it is a big help as it will suppress the hunger pangsRead More

What Do Greek Women Do To Look Naturally Beautiful?


Greece is an ancient city with a rich history of growth and development. Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Greece has the 11th longest coastline of the world and 8% of its area is covered with mountains. And it is considered the cradle of Western civilization, philosophy, literature, political science, mathematics, and the biggest of all democracy. Greek women are very much beautiful as they rely on natural products.

Greece is pure in weather, culture, and even lifestyle. Its people prefer natural things in food and beauty. They are beauty conscious but they don’t rely on makeup. They rely on natural beauty and this is evident from the beauty secrets of their women.

Greek women are fond of natural things like honey that moisturizes the skin. Also, they are very selective about their diet and exercise. They keep their diet healthy and remain physically active to maintain health.

Cleopatra, one of the most beautiful women in the world, used to take a hot bath and milk bath to maintain their natural beauty. She did many things to look younger and all those things were natural. Modern Greek women also love natural beauty.

Do natural things work?

Yes, they do, but it is difficult to believe in today’s time when there is cosmetic treatment available for every skin condition. But the amazing thing is that going natural removes the chances of skin problems. For example, when your skin has all the necessary nutrients and is well-moisturized, there are little chances of your getting a skin problem.

Here’re the secrets of beautiful Greek women

Olive Oil

Olive Oil For Natural Beauty

Ancient Greeks were well aware of the advantages of olive oil as is evident from the fact that olive oil had been a common ingredient in their cuisines. Also, their women used olive oil to nourish, moisturize, and condition their skin. Olive oil is rich in vitamins; it has excellent antioxidant properties, and it is a natural anti-aging formula. You can use plain olive oil or mix it with lemon juice, honey, or any other natural elements.

Sea Salt

Sea Salt Beauty Treatments

Cleopatra, the beauty queen, was fond of sea salt that she used extensively in her beauty treatments. Also, she had dedicated boutiques to give cosmetic treatments with sea salt to privileged guests. Sea salt provides minerals to the skin, deep cleanses skin pores, and balances the skin texture. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties and is a great exfoliating agent.

Hot Bath

Hot Bath

In ancient Greek, hot bathhouses were quite popular. They believed in the skin benefits of taking a hot bath in warm water. And they were right. While taking a heated bath could irritate your … Read More

15 Healthy Alternatives Of Junk Foods

Healthy Alternatives Of Junk Foods

If you believe that healthy foods are always tasteless and boring then this blog will be an eye-opener for you. There are many healthy foods that you can consume as snacks as the alternatives of junk foods. And their advantage is that they are both delicious and nutritious.

Here’re 15 healthy alternatives of junk foods you can consume as snacks



Juicy strawberries are sweet bombs filled with vitamin C, manganese, folate, and potassium. And they are good for the heart; can help in sugar control, and prevent the growth of cancerous cells. Strawberries can be eaten plain but you can try them with melted dark chocolate. Just dip the tip of a strawberry in chocolate to enhance its flavor.



Blueberries are colorful sweet fruits that you can enjoy fresh or frozen. But they are more delicious when eaten with yogurt or full-fat cream. They are nutrient-rich – manganese and vitamin C and K. They are good for everyone especially for older people as blueberries give protection from oxidative damage and chronic diseases. They are antioxidant superfoods.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolate has many health benefits like it improves brain function, heart health, and reduces the harmful effects of UV rays. It is loaded with fiber and antioxidants and rich in minerals including iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese. Also, it is high in taste. You can have a piece of dark chocolate anytime or with a cup of coffee.


Healthy Alternatives Of Junk Foods Almonds

Crunchy almonds require no preparation for consumption but people prefer eating them with dates. Fill dates with almonds to make a tasty treat. They will pamper your taste buds and satisfy hunger pangs. Since they are rich in healthy-heart fats, fiber, protein, and minerals, they can protect your heart from chronic diseases and aid in your weight loss program.



Pistachios are crunchy, salty nuts and they are mouthwatering. Since they contain heart-healthy fats, high-quality protein, and fiber, they are very filling. Also, they provide B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. Their powerful antioxidants can improve blood fats, reduce bad cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. But they shouldn’t be consumed in large quantities as they are very high in calories.



Cherries make a delicious and healthy snack. This low-calorie fruit has a high nutrition count including fiber and vitamin C. Also, they have antioxidants and plant compounds. And these deep red beautiful berries can prevent you from type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart ailments, and cancer. Cherries are sweet and they are largely consumed fresh.



Mangoes can satisfy your sweet toothRead More

Emilia Clarke

Beautiful Emilia Clarke

Emilia Clarke has been a versatile actor throughout her career but she’s better recognized as Daenerys Targaryen of the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones. And it is only Emilia Clarke that fits into the shoes of that fictional character. Emilia Clarke diet & workout is very much appreciable.

emilia clarke white

Meet Daenerys Targaryen-Emilia Clarke Fitness Queen

She’s exceptionally beautiful. Her locks are long, pale, and silver-gold and her eyes are purple. In appearance, she’s slender and pale. And Emilia Clarke looks just like Daenerys Targaryen. She even received critical acclaim for her role. She got international recognition and many accolades including four Emmy Award nominations for that role.

Emilia Clarke did justice with her role in the attire of Daenerys Targaryen. The actress was just perfect for that character and it looks like the fictional character was conceived with the skin tone, figure, appearance and fitness of Emilia Clarke.

Did Emilia Clarke follow a strict diet to maintain her figure to fit into the dress of Daenerys Targaryen?

The answer is no, she didn’t. Also, you will be surprised to know that Emilia Clarke pampers her taste buds like an average woman. She isn’t a health-conscious folk but she has a fit body and she looks hot in every attire. For example, take Sarah Connor of Terminator Genisys (2015) or Qi’ra of Star Wars. Her trainer, James Duigan, can reveal the Emilia Clarke fitness secret.

Who’s James Duigan?

James Duigan is a celebrity fitness trainer. But he’s popularly known for his Clean and Lean philosophy that he invented with his wife Christiane Duigan in 2009. Together they have authored six bestselling books. Also, they own a fitness clothing brand, Bodyism.

Clean and Lean Philosophy

According to the Duigan couple, this philosophy can put the body in a perfect state. And they give reasons in support of their claim. They say that food that is clean of flattening toxins and lean can give the energy needed for doing exercises resulting in a curvy, slim, and healthy body like Emilia Clarke. When you have the right diet and when you are physically active, you can get your body in perfect shape.

Does Emilia Clarke follow the Clean and Lean philosophy propounded by the Duigan couple?

James Duigan has coached Emilia Clarke for many years and he has been an advocate of healthy eating. In an interview, he said that what worked for the body was balance. He elaborated his concept that the moment people started weighing their food, counting their calories, and beating them for going to restaurants, they lost track. He said that what people needed was the right mindset.

According to … Read More

Is SlimFast The Right Diet Plan For Weight Loss?

SlimFast The Right Diet Plan

SlimFast diet is a replacement meal plan instead of strict adherence to dieting and exercising that could be excruciating for your body. Here in SlimFast diet your regular meal will be replaced with a full course of the nutrient meal that will boost your metabolism, curb hunger pangs, promote satiety and weight loss.

Let’s see how the SlimFast diet works…

The SlimFast diet is called the 3-2-1 plan and it includes 3 snacks, 2 shakes, and 1 meal of your choice. And this low-calorie diet plan will kickstart your metabolic process from day one. Also, the healthy snacks and shakes won’t let you down all day. The diet gives 1200 calories to women and an additional 400 calories to men. It will suppress hunger pangs by promoting satiety.

Another advantage of the SlimFast diet plan is that it allows variety in the diet. For example, you can have different snacks, shakes, and meals on different days of the week. And the variety involved in diet will prevent it from becoming monotonous.

Feedback of SlimFast diet plan….

SlimFast works by cutting calories and boosting the metabolic rate of the body. As a result, you accumulate little fat and whatever fat is accumulated is burnt by the body. And studies have proved that a low-calorie diet that restricts the carb intake to 3-10% of the total calories taken can help reduce weight by 8% in a short time.

A study in the Journal of Nutrition found SlimFast to be very effective in achieving weight loss goals. Another study in British Medical Journal compare various commercial weight-loss plans with SlimFast and concluded that SlimFast can help lose 6 pounds in 4 weeks.

SlimFast is for everyone. You can also lose pounds by following this simple diet plan. But you need to be strict with the SlimFast diet to achieve your weight loss goals.

Healthy SlimFast Recipes

Healthy SlimFast Recipes For Weight Loss

The focus is on providing complete nutrition without increasing your calorie intake. And the diet is so planned that your plate constitutes 50% of green veggies and juicy fruits, 25% of lean protein, and the remaining 25% of whole grains.

Food to take

Vegetables: Cherry tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers, spring onion, bean sprouts, asparagus, baby corn, Italian beans, and artichokes

Leafy Vegetables: Swiss card, spinach, celery, and kale

Fruits: Grapes, apple, berries, banana, and pears

Lean Meats: Lean cuts poultry and bacon

Dairy Products: Low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, and Greek yogurt

Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, and black beans

So, you get a healthy choice of fruits, vegetables, dairy, dairy products, and meat to make different recipes. But before you plan a diet, you should know the food items you … Read More

20 Nutritious Food To Energize Your Body And Mind

energy giving foods that can increase your stamina

Do you need healthy and nutritious food supplements to increase your energy level? If yes, then it shows a deficiency of essential nutrients. And the amazing thing is that you can get all nutrients through food.

Here’s a list of healthy and nutritious food that can increase your stamina..



Bananas can satiate your hunger and provide quick energy as well as they contain many important nutrients including Vitamin B6 (33%) which is an essential nutrient your body can’t produce. Bananas also contain manganese (14%), vitamin C (11%), copper (10%), potassium (9%), and magnesium (8%).

Healthy And Nutritious Food Nuts


Nuts are rightly called a powerhouse because they are rich in calories (173), selenium (56%), manganese (26%), copper (23%), phosphorus (13%), magnesium (16%), vitamin E (12%), fat (16 gram), carbs (6 grams), protein (5 gram), and fiber (3 grams).

Brown Rice

Brown Rice

The de-husked and unpolished rice is a healthier option as is evident from its nutritional value. It is a low-calorie and fat and gluten-free diet that can supplement your body with vitamins B1, B3, B6, and E and K. It contains all essential fatty acids and it is also rich in minerals including magnesium, iron, and calcium.

Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish are the healthiest seafood due to the richness of omega-3 fatty acids that are good for the heart and brain. Fish including salmon, tuna, tilapia, and mackerel are also rich in vitamin D and protein. But they are mostly consumed for their oil that contains omega-3 fatty acids.

Healthy And Nutritious Food Eggs

Healthy And Nutritious Food Eggs

Eggs are superfoods as they contain a decent amount of necessary nutrients. A single boiled egg contains selenium (22%), vitamin B2 (15%), vitamin B12 (9%), phosphorus (9%), vitamin B5 (7%), vitamin A (6%) and folate (5%).


Healthy Chicken Food

Chicken is an excellent source of lean protein (23.5 gm) that is helpful in muscle building, weight loss, increasing metabolism, supporting the immune system, and suppressing hunger pangs. Chicken meat also contains phosphorus that builds strong bones. It also gives vitamin B3 needed for converting carbohydrates into energy.

Apples Are Healthy And Nutritious Food

Nutritious Apple

Apples are rich in calories (95) and carbs (25 grams). Also, they contain a decent amount (2-4%) of manganese, copper, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and E. Another important benefit of Apples is their high fiber and water content. Eating a slice of apple before meals can reduce your hunger considerably.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potatoes

These sweet and starchy root vegetables are rich in calories (180), vitamin A (769% DV), vitamin C (65% DV), vitamin B6 (29% DV), manganese (50% DV), potassium (27%), and fiber (6.6 grams). It … Read More

10 Best Waist Trainer Corsets To Look For In 2022

Squeem Perfect Waist Firm Compression Waist Trainer

Whether you are struggling with postpartum weight or want to bring your body into shape, you will find a waist trainer corset just perfect for your needs. Worn like an outfit, this device can help reshape your body by defining the body contours. And the work for people of all ages.

Advantages of waist trainer corsets:

• Keep your body straight with the help of waist trainer corsets. They have steel bones that will support your back while you move around.

• Wear your steel-boned waist trainer corset under your clothes to get the right figure and maintain the figure all day.

Burn body weight faster in natural ways. A waist trainer corset will generate enough heat to burn fat faster.

• It is possible to achieve an hourglass figure with a waist trainer corset. And all you need to do to achieve the figure is to wear the corset.

• If you are looking for postpartum support then consider buying a waist trainer corset.

Choose from the following best selling waist trainer corsets

Squeem Perfect Waist Firm Compression Waist Trainer

Squeem Perfect Waist Firm Compression Waist Trainer

It is a strapless waist cincher that promises to give an incredible shape without compromising on comfort. Its adjustable compression levels allow quick adjustments according to your waist size and the flexible steel bones provide firm support to the back. And the moderate life that your breasts will get from the cincher will make them appear more attractive. But it could cause skin irritation and it isn’t suitable for cleaning.

SHAPERX Women’s Waist Training Corset

SHAPERX Women’s Waist Training Corset

It has a unique design that allows a weight reduction of up to 5 inches. It is a steel-boned corset with 26 spiral steel bones, multiple rigid steel bars for back support, and an energetic cord lacing back. Also, its three layers are made up of breathable fabric for added support and comfort. You will look slimmer in this corset but the rigid steel design might poke your ribs. Also, it could be short for taller women.

Ann Chery Waist Trainer And Shaper

Ann Chery Waist Trainer And Shaper

It is for all-day wearing as its latex design provides the ultimate comfort. Only natural latex is used in its design and natural latex increases body temperature that is good for weight loss. Also, its three rows of hooks allow ample flexibility to adjust the corset. It would fit comfortably on your body but the size could run small. Check the right size while buying this amazing corset.

Feelin Girl Women’s Latex Underbust Waist Trainer Corset

Feelin Girl Women’s Latex Underbust Waist Trainer Corset

It is a quick fat-burning corset as it contains 96% cotton and 4% spandex that burns fat faster. It will help you burn … Read More

5 Yoga Asanas That Can Help In Cancer Treatment

Yoga Asanas That Can Help In Cancer Treatment

Cancer is curable if the disease is diagnosed and treated early. But the treatment could be frustrating. Cancer patients have to bear chemotherapy that could break their mental power. But they can look at yoga for help. There are many yoga asanas for cancer patients that can help control the painful symptoms associated with cancers and their treatments. These asanas are simple in practicing and big on advantages.

Here’re 5 yoga asanas that are good for cancer patients.

Half Sun Salutation

Half Sun Salutation Yoga Asanas

It is one of the many asanas that have multiple benefits for cancer patients.


• Stand straight with your legs close

• Join your palms together as you do in a prayer

• Inhale a deep breath and raise your arms with palms joint above the head

• Stretch your arms to a comfortable level

• Exhale the breath and bend down to touch your toes with your fingers

• Stop for a few seconds and then inhale a deep breath to return to the starting position

Note: You can bend your knees if needed while touching your toes with your fingers.


• The stressing exercise will ease out the entire musculoskeletal frame including the muscles.

• It has the power to blast disease-causing microbes and it is easier to perform at home.

• It boosts blood flow balances the function of endocrine glands that help in maintaining well-being in the long run.

• The exercise involves elongation and suppression of the body that has good effects on the digestive system.

• The salutation pose allays frayed nerves by awakening the brain center and a calm nervous system is a guarantee of the well-being of the body.

Reclining Butterfly Yoga Pose For Cancer Patients

Reclining Butterfly Yoga For Cancer Patients

This yogic posture is quite helpful for cancer patients especially breast cancer patients. It can alleviate back pain and relieve stress.


• Lie on your back in a comfortable position. If you want, you can take a soft cushion to support your back

• Joint your feet and pull your knees at the 90-degree angle to your hips

• Now allow your keens to fall on the sideways; let the gravity hold your knees for some time

• Exhale your breath and slowly pull your upper back behind the cushion. In this position, your lower back will be on the cushion and the upper back will be stretched towards the floor. If you want, you can take a cushion to support your head

• Rest your arms on the floor with your palms facing up

• Breathe deeply in the posture for 15 minutes


• It is a good exercise for stimulating Read More

Secret Of Deepika Padukone’s Beauty – Yasmin Karachiwala Reveals

Secret Of Deepika Padukone’s Beauty

Deepika Padukone has an athletic body despite having sweet teeth. Yes, she has all her teeth as sweet teeth. She is the biggest foodie in Bollywood but she’s also a fitness enthusiast. Yasmin Karachiwala reveals the secret of Deepika Padukone weight gain & beauty.

During her school days, she used to play badminton and had been a state-level badminton player before coming to Bollywood. Today, she has a very busy schedule but she never forgets her daily workout. Also, she’s conscious about her food habits as she better knows that she has sweet teeth.

Continue reading, if you want to know the food and fitness secrets and also Deepika Padukone weight gain and what her advice to her fans….

Deepika Padukone Diet Plan

Deepika Padukone Diet & Weight Gain

She takes all the nutrition including dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and complex carbs. But the most important thing about her diet is her good metabolism that keeps burning whatever calories are consumed. Also, Deepika Padukone doesn’t believe in a crash diet.

Deepika has six meals a day, and she avoids skipping a meal. Also, she stays hydrated by drinking fruit juices, coconut water, buttermilk, or sometimes simple water to make up for the skipped meals during shoots. One more thing about her diet plan is that she avoids eating rice for dinner.

Her metabolic rate is good because she keeps eating or drinking all day. She is against starving her body. For example, she drinks fruit juice or coconut water every two hours. Frequent meals keep her body cells active and metabolic rate up which leads to weight loss.

Deepika Padukone weight gain because foodie Deepika has a weakness….

Deepika Padukone Weight Gain

Deepika has sweet teeth and she doesn’t mind treating herself with chocolates and sweets. But she keeps changing her diet to keep her metabolism working. According to research, eating the same calories every day will make your body used to those calories and your metabolic rate will drop. But it won’t happen if you change your calorie every week. It is how Deepika enjoys the occasional eating of sweets.

Deepika’s five diet rules

Deepika Padukone Diet Rule

• Never starve yourself
• Always eat at the right time
• Avoid overeating
• Have more fruits and veggies in meals
• No rice after 7 pm

Deepika follows a balanced diet plan but it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t do exercises. She also has a strict exercising plan to keep off the weight that she could gain by consuming calories. Since she’s in show business, she has to take utmost care of … Read More

10 Bestselling Olympic Weight Sets For Beginners

Best Olympic Weight Sets

If you are training for weight gain then you should start slow but you should invest in the best Olympic weight set. You need weight plates for training but you should also be careful about your safety.

I’ve selected the 10 best Olympic weight sets for your consideration. You can check their contents, advantages, and disadvantages before choosing one. All, these weight sets are durable and useful. Also, I’ve tried my best to help you in locating the best weight set for your needs.

You can go through the given options and compare them to choose the best Olympic weight set.

CAP Barbell 300-Pound Olympic Set

CAP Barbell 300-Pound Olympic Set

It is a solid cast iron weight set has everything you need for advanced weight training exercises. It features a 7-feet Olympic bar with a total of 14 plates of varying weight including 45, 35, 25, 10, 2.5, and 5 lbs. The combined weight of the plates is 300 lbs but the total weight capacity of the bar is 500 lbs. But you could feel that casting of plates isn’t up to the mark and some knurling issues with the bar.

REP Fitness Bumper Plates

REP Fitness Bumper Plates

It is a 190 lbs Olympic weight plate set made of 100% rubber with no molding flaws. It features a total of 8 plates of 45, 25, 15, and 10 lbs. Also, it has a 20 kb Sabre Barbell. Ideal for Olympic lifts, deadlifts, and squats, these plates score high on durability. Also, they have a low bounce even they are dropped from a height of 8 feet. And they can withstand more than 15,000 drops. High odor is the only drawback of these plates.

Iron Bull Strength Olympic Fractional Plates

Iron Bull Strength Olympic Fractional Plates

If you are looking for weight plates with which you can start your weight training then this set is for you. Buy these two sturdy and durable 1.25 lbs plates. It is good to start with these plates as they can fit decently into any Olympic barbell. They have high precision casting and E-coat finish but the hole in the plates is a bit large and there are minor smudges on the cast.

Troy USA Sports Olympic Weight Set

Troy USA Sports Olympic Weight Set

You can call it a complete set as it provides everything you need for weight training. It has a 7-feet chrome Olympic bar and weight plates of varying sizes including 45, 35, 25, 10, 5, and 2.5 lbs. The combined weight of the plates is 600 lbs. And these standard cast-iron weight plates have raised silver numbers and letters for quick recognition. These plates have milled edges and a gray enamel finish but it could come off.

XMark Olympic Weight Plate Set

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