Kim And Kayne’s Healthy Diet Includes Ice Cream, Cheese Macaroni, And Kreme Kreme Doughnut

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West celebrated their second marriage yesterday in Rome where the couple feasted on their absolute favorite dessert, gelato. But Kim And Kayne’s prefers eating a balanced diet that is healthy and sometimes becomes extreme as evident from their carefully tailored diet plan.

They have planned their diet in such a way that it remains healthy and interesting. They like different things but they have one thing in common that is they love ice creams and smoothies. They have planned healthy eating at home but they also go to restaurants to pamper their taste buds.

Let’s go through Kim and Kayne’s daily healthy diet and learn about their indulgences & weaknesses

A personal chef decides their menu

They have a personal chef at their Kardashian-West home to prepare their meals. And they rely on the chef for choosing a healthy meal for lunch and dinner. The chef comes every day and prepares their healthy diet that usually has fish or chicken and vegetables. It is their way to avoid anything unhealthy. The chef takes care that nothing unhealthy is added to their lunch and dinner. It is a good decision by Kim and Kayne.

Kim and Kayne’s healthy diet is ever-changing

Kanye West loves healthy food but he hates adhering to one type of diet for a long time. He is easily bored with one type of diet. Then he made a smart choice and hired a personal nutritionist that keeps changing his diet every 10 days. The nutritionist prevents things from getting bored and uninteresting by changing the diet before it is too late for Kanye. The nutritionist controls his everyday diet and keeps it interesting for Kanye.

Kim and Kayne’s unending love for ice creams

Kim And Kayne’s Unending Love For Ice Creams

If there’s anything that Kanye West loves after himself, Kim, and their kids then it is certainly ice cream. He loves ice creams so much that he doesn’t mind being pictured while enjoying his favorite frozen treat. He even smiles at the people watching and picturing him with his ice creams. And let the world know that he always looks for desserts from the Dairy Queen menu. But Kanye is quite conscious about his health. He makes no compromise when it comes to healthy eating. Ice cream being is an exception to his diet.

Kim and Kayne’s smoothie-start to a healthy diet

Kayne Smoothie-Start To Diet

It was an intense smoothie cleanse that Kanye West was looking for to boost his diet. For five days, he lived on three smoothies a day while continuing his strict workout routine. And it worked for him. The smoothie cleanse made his body as pure as possible allowing him to jump to a healthy diet. And Kanye is confident that his healthy eating habits are the result of that smoothie clean he pursued for five days.

Kim and Kayne’s love for restaurants

Kim And Kayne’s Love For Restaurants

At home, it is their personal chef who decides their menu that usually includes grilled salmon and steamed vegetables. But they are free to order whatever pleases their taste buds in tasty restaurants. And it is no more a secret that they both are avid restaurant-goers. In New York, they often visit April Broomfield’s Spotted Pig In West Village. It is also a favorite hangout of Kayne West. In LA, they visit Lawry that is known for offering rate steaks to the foodies. But Kim and Kayne are regulars at L’Avenue, a celebrity-filled restaurant.

Kim knows her weakness

Kim is proud of having a healthy diet and that she is able to adhere to that diet. But at the same time, she reveals her biggest indulgence. Like her husband Kayne, Kim also is an ice cream lover and her favorite dessert is Haagen-Dazs’ Dulce de Leche Ice Cream. And she is always ready for a scoop of this frozen dessert if she ever gets an opportunity.

Kim and Kayne’s also loves smoothies in breakfast for healthy diet

Kim And Kayne’s Also Loves Smoothies In Breakfast

Kim’s day starts with oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and a protein shake that she calls her breakfast smoothie. Made of fresh fruits, this juice keeps her active all day. Getting a healthy meal, after a heavy hour-long workout session, gives Kim a nutritious start to the day.

Kim loves snacking on multiple times a day

She eats several times a day between meals to keep her metabolism constantly working. Also, she maintains a good gap between the two snacks. And her favorite snacks are pouches of almond butter or peanut butter. It gives her a filling, delicious, and nutritious boost of energy that keeps her energized until the next meal that is also healthy.

Kim’s macaroni and cheese combo

Kim’s Macaroni And Cheese Combo

There’s nothing healthy about this meal but she loves this combo treat. And Kim simply can’t control the foodie from snacking on her favorite macaroni and cheese. Also, her fans approve of her uncontrolled diet. Kim also responds to her fans’ love by sharing the full recipe with them.

Kim’s post-pregnancy healthy diet

Kim’s Post Pregnancy Healthy Diet

Kim put on 60 pounds of weight during the pregnancy of Saint, who’s 5-month-old now. And Kim fondly tells she couldn’t control her eating habit even during pregnancy resulting in more weight on a pregnant body. Post-pregnancy, Kim was put on a low-carb and high-protein diet called Atkins 40 diet. This diet helped Kim lose every pound she gained during pregnancy.

Kim discusses her weakness

Kim honestly accepts that she has a weakness despite following a clean-eating regime sincerely. She loves fast food and she loves it so much that she doesn’t want to miss a single opportunity to enjoy fast food. And she prefers Krispy Kreme doughnut and the chocolate-coated Australian candy Tim Tams. And she’s no qualms about her weakness.

Kim And Kanye’s Healthy Diet


Do you want to go for a run? Whispers Kim Kardashian every morning in the ears of her husband Kayne West. And Kayne happily accepts her offer. And the couple leaves for refreshing 35 minutes run under the open sky. After jogging, Kim leaves for the gym where she does toning exercises for the next 30 minutes. It is her daily routine after which she joins Kayne at the breakfast table.

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