Could Amla Cure Chronic Ailments Like Cancer?

Amla a.k.a. Indian gooseberry is a rich source of nutrients especially vitamin C. And it is great for digestion. Also, it brings fast relief from acidity and controls blood sugar level as well. Amla is also helpful in controlling signs of aging and untimely greying of hair. 

Advantages of Amla for different ailments


Amla has mild laxative properties that allow easy expulsion of stool. And its digestive fire helps manage indigestion.


Amla has appetizing and digestive properties that improve metabolism that in the long run reduces bulk weight.


High Cholesterol

Amla can help in controlling cholesterol as it can increase the level of PPAR-a, the main protein involved in reducing cholesterol level in the body.


Amla is helpful in bloody diarrhea by controlling bleeding and reducing contraction of the smooth muscles of the abdomen.


It is a painful condition of joints but Amla can prevent the disease from progressing by keeping the cartilage cushion between joints safe.

Joint Pain

Amla gives fast relief in joint pain by controlling swelling. It has properties that reduce inflammation and improve mobility. 


While there is little help available for acute pancreatitis, Amla gives hope as it can fight the free radicals and reduce the number of inflammatory mediators.


Amla can slow down the growth of cancerous cells to some extent by inhibiting the enzymes that allow cancerous cells to grow. Also, the presence of Vitamin C triggers the activity of natural killer cells that break the cancerous cells down.

Diabetes (Type 1&2)

Amla helps in controlling diabetes in different ways like by improving glucose metabolism and by fighting free radicals that increase the risk of various diabetic complications. It also improves the function of blood vessels.

Precautions with Amla

People with bleeding disorders are at higher risk of increased bleeding with Amla. Similarly, it can trigger bleeding post-surgery. It can also increase glucose level in blood, if taken with anti-diabetic meds. Breastfeeding mothers are also advised to avoid taking Amla.

How to take Amla?

Amla is good to be taken as raw fruit or you can make juice of it. For example, amla-carrot-beetroot juice has everything from flavor to nutrients. Similarly, you can make Amla chutney with coriander and green chilies. Also, you can choose to take Amla in the form of tablet, capsule and churna. Pharma companies also make Amla candies and murabba.

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