Could Your Tea Cure An Upset Stomach?

Bush Tea

Some people always have upset stomach due to their eating habits. They eat junk food, take carbonated drinks and have food allergies. Also, they don’t drink tea that could benefit the upset stomach.

There are special teas that can cure an upset stomach. And you can prepare these teas at home as they require little efforts.

Here’re 5 different types of tea for curing upset stomach

Green Tea

It has become a regular in the last few years because of its health benefits that include boosting memory, protection from cancer and aiding in weight loss. Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, green tea has many health benefits to offer.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea

It is a cool herb good for many things including upset stomach. It can common stomach problems related to bloating, indigestion and flatulence. Various oils present in the herb stimulate bile production and its release from gall bladder to help digest fat. Also, it can provide lasting relief from irresistible bowel syndrome (IBS).

Bush Tea

This tea can be taken as an alternative to green tea. Found in Africa, Bush Tea is called Red Bush due to its red color. But it has a great aftertaste and amazing health benefits that include curing stomach ache and abdominal pain. Also, it … Read More

Secrets Of Meghan Markle

Beautiful Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle “Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex” is always passionate about health, exercise, food and travel and also her weight loss. Before marriage with Prince Harry in May 2018, she was an actress and used to run a lifestyle website called The Tig. Also, she’s much to share with her audience.

Here Meghan Markle is sharing 40 secrets of weight loss & healthy, active and fulfilling life

• Meghan Markle takes care of her skin body because she believes that what she feels is what she eats.

• Fitness is her priority and she enjoys going gym for fitness.

• An avid runner, Meghan Markle does a lot of treadmill work at home.

• The Duchess of Sussex is a big fan of Jan Marini skincare products. She also loves the Tatcha Rice Enzyme Powder.

• Meghan Markle finds parenthood amazing and says she has two best guys of the world.

• She tries becoming realistic about social media despite receiving a huge response.

• Careful about her posture, Meghan Markle used to do posterior chain exercises and plenty of core work.

• She’s also into circuit-based strength training that includes high-rep and low-weight strategy.

• Meghan Markle has … Read More

Find Skin Friendly Food In Your Kitchen

Skin conditions from sun baked skin to free radicals and from acne to wrinkles and skin cancer have many reasons from lifestyle to genetics. But the good thing is that most skin conditions can be cured with skin friendly food present in your kitchen. 

You need not relying on cosmetics for everything when you have amazing foods to provide necessary vitamins, proteins and minerals that can keep your skin free from blemishes and make you look younger even in the advanced age.

Skin Friendly Food

Here’s the list of 25 skin friendly food items that can keep you free from skin conditions

Cooked Tomatoes

It is collagen that keeps skin taut and gives it youthful structure. Collagen is a type of protein that also reduces aging-effects by fighting free radicals and oxidizing effect of UV rays. Tomatoes have lycopene, a type of phytochemical that boosts collagen strength and cooking ups lycopene level in tomatoes.


Overproduction of cells in the outer layer of skin is dangerous could lead to fewer flaky dead cells and if these cells combine with sebum, they can clog your skin pores. But an oxidant in carrots can prevent it from happening. Also, carrots have vitamin A that prevents development of skin-cancer cells.

Sweet Potatoes

Consuming more portions of red and orange vegetablesRead More

Fitness With Nutrition: Foods You Must Have In Your Diet

Fitness Nutrition

Workout is necessary for fitness and for health, you need energy that you get from nutrition you eat. So, if you eat right, you can workout and remain fit. That is leading a healthy and happy life

Tips for a fitness nutrition diet for a healthy life 

Protein for power

Your workout intensity depends on your muscular strength that in turn relies on protein level in your body. During workout, your muscles undergo wear and tear and require repair and it is only with protein that you can replenish the lost power

Fitness Food Nutrition

If you can add protein to your regular diet, you can maintain good muscle power needed for workout and active life. And there should be little hassle in taking a protein rich diet as it is available in dairy products, eggs, pulses, legumes, whole wheat, oats and other grains

Carbs are essential fitness nutrition

Carbohydrates provide fuel for body hence cutting carbs could lead to irreparable damage to your muscular strength in the long run. Instead of cutting carbs in your diet, you can choose to take the carbs that take time in digesting and ensure a steady supply of energy.

Choose good carbs that take time in digestion but doesn’t spike sugar level in blood. For example, whole wheat, brown Read More

Get Benefits Of Consuming 6 Roasted Garlic Cloves Within 24 Hours

Garlic is a natural herb with plenty of health benefits from relief in joint pain to cancer treatment. It is a strong detoxifying agent and a reliable medicine for flu and cold. 

Let’s see what 6 roasted garlic cloves could do to your body in 24 hours of consumption 

First Hour: Garlic enters the digesting system from where it travels to the whole body by mixing with the blood stream. Also, the body absorbs the nutrients.

In 2-4 Hours: Allicin the main component of garlic starts working. It de-activates cancerous cells and creates a protective shield to prevent other cells from coming into contact with cancerous cells.

In 4-6 Hours: Garlic cloves enter into ingestion process and start flushing harmful toxins and fat from the body. Also, they boost T cells that defend body from various flus including common cold. A study done in the University of Florida found that garlic cloves help in quick recovery from cold and flu.

In 6-10 Hours: Ingestion of garlic cloves completes and their compounds start killing the harmful bacteria. It also eliminates cancerous cells. A study done on the University of South Carolina found that garlic cloves removes kill only cancerous cells. Also, scientists agree that regular consumption of garlic cloves could be good for human health.

In 10-24 Hours: The garlic … Read More

Health Benefits Of Acidic Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a health tonic with multitude of benefits including weight loss, skin and hair care, indigestion, diabetes and cholesterol management. The only drawback of ACV is the sour taste and strong smell that it gets due to the presence of yeast and bacteria

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for different ailments


ACV controls appetite and boost fat metabolism that further increases weight loss. The acetic acid present in ACV activates the fat burning enzyme AMPK in the liver, slows down breaking down of starch to sugar and prevents accumulation of fat.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1&2)

Studies on ACV indicate that acetic acid slows down the process of breaking down of carbohydrates to sugar in the blood stream. It is for this reason that ACV is considered a great drink after having a carbohydrate rich meal. If taken at bedtime, ACV can reduce the fasting blood glucose level in the morning.

High Cholesterol

ACV contains an antioxidant called chlorogenic that can prevent cholesterol level from increasing. This antioxidant inhibits oxidation of LDL and increases HDL or the good cholesterol


ACD when taken in right amount can help in controlling high blood pressure. In a study, it is found that ACV can reduce activity of renin, an … Read More

Why Is Shatavari Called A Female-Friendly Herb?

Shatavari is rightly called a female-friendly herb as it can help in many things like controlling menstrual disorders, breast development and breast milk production. It also increases testosterone levels in men. According to Ayurveda, Shatavari boost immunity and helps in weight gain.

Advantages of Shatavari for different ailments

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Shatavari as a hormonal harmonizer can help balance the hormonal changes that develop PMS in women. It is a rejuvenating tonic for the time when women experience physical, emotional and behavioral changes.

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

As a primary uterine tonic, Shatavari helps in management of menstrual bleeding by balancing and strengthening the menstrual system. 

Increased Breast Milk Production

Satavari is good breast milk production for three reasons. First, it does galactagogue activity; second, the plan has steroidal saponins and third, it increases prolactin hormone that is related to breast milk production.

Stomach Ulcers

Shatavari protects the stomach cells against acid attack with its cytoprotective activity that is by increasing the gastric mucus secretion and strengthening the mucosal layer. 

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1&2)

Shatavari reduces intestinal absorption of glucose and increases its uptake by cells and tissues. Also, it boosts insulin secretion. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties reduce development diabetic related complications.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Shatavari is helpful in controlling the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol due to its adaptogenic action. … Read More

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Turmeric is largely used for skin treatment. Its antibacterial properties make it a wonder herb for skin related problems. But it also contains curcumin and anti-inflammatory properties that make it suitable for treating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. 

Advantages of Turmeric for different ailments

Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis

Turmeric can reduce the pain and suffering associated with arthritis, curcumin can inhibit production and growth of inflammatory proteins like prostaglandin E2 and Cox-2.

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1&2)

Turmeric is a good medicine for controlling blood sugar level in a natural way. Curcumin improves insulin level that reduces sugar level in blood. Also, it prevents formation of ulcers and wounds due to high blood sugar level. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Turmeric is good for treating stomach problems like pain and discomfort due to IBS but there is little evidence available to support this finding.

Stomach Ulcers

Turmeric can inhibit the growth of inflammatory enzymes that can aggravate the symptoms related to stomach ulcers. It can help reduce the pain and suffering caused due to ulcer related inflammation.


The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can in controlling depression to a large extent. Human brain produces “Happy Chemicals” like serotonin but inflammation decreases their production. And depression causes inflammation. 

High Cholesterol

According to a study, Turmeric has strong antioxidant properties that lower bad cholesterol. But … Read More

What Are Skin Benefits Of Isabgol?

Isabgol or psyllium husk is the most common home remedy for curing stomach problems especially constipation as it makes stool bulky and allows smooth passing of the stool. But it is just one of the many health benefits of Isabgol for skin.

Benefits of Isabgol for skin & different ailments


It is easier to manage constipation with Isabgol, which is a dietary fiber. Also, its ability to absorb and retain water makes the stool bulky and soft so that it passes smoothly. 

Benefits Of Isabgol For Skin


Management of piles is directly related to constipation. Acute constipation gives birth to hemorrhoids that is a painful condition. But Isabgol can reduce constipation and bleeding associated with piles.

High Cholesterol

Isabgol being a hypocholesterolemic can help in managing cholesterol level. It decreases absorption of bad cholesterol and increases breakdown of the deposited particles. 


Dietary fiber in Isabgol gives the feeling of fullness. Also, it keeps the colon clean and removes toxins responsible for obesity. The feeling of fullness prevents overeating.


Isabgol has antidiarrheal and anti-secretory properties that help in effective diarrhea management. It can block the calcium ion channels responsible for causing acute diarrhea.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Smooth passing of stool gives fast relief from painful irritable bowel syndrome. Also, Isabgol makes a protective lining in the stomach and this … Read More

Could Amla Cure Chronic Ailments Like Cancer?

Amla a.k.a. Indian gooseberry is a rich source of nutrients especially vitamin C. And it is great for digestion. Also, it brings fast relief from acidity and controls blood sugar level as well. Amla is also helpful in controlling signs of aging and untimely greying of hair. 

Advantages of Amla for different ailments


Amla has mild laxative properties that allow easy expulsion of stool. And its digestive fire helps manage indigestion.


Amla has appetizing and digestive properties that improve metabolism that in the long run reduces bulk weight.

High Cholesterol

Amla can help in controlling cholesterol as it can increase the level of PPAR-a, the main protein involved in reducing cholesterol level in the body.


Amla is helpful in bloody diarrhea by controlling bleeding and reducing contraction of the smooth muscles of the abdomen.


It is a painful condition of joints but Amla can prevent the disease from progressing by keeping the cartilage cushion between joints safe.

Joint Pain

Amla gives fast relief in joint pain by controlling swelling. It has properties that reduce inflammation and improve mobility. 


While there is little help available for acute pancreatitis, Amla gives hope as it can fight the free radicals and reduce the number of inflammatory mediators.


Amla can slow down the growth of cancerous cells … Read More