You Should Practice Shiva Meditation

Shiva meditation is the way of uniting yourself with nature and experiencing positive energy inside your body and mind. Here Shiva becomes your guru as you visualize him to achieve the stage of meditation. Benefits of meditation is that you become one with Shiva and feel blessed with a calm body and mind.

Shiva meditation has the answer to many of life’s questions. Also, you can achieve the stage by practicing a breathing exercise and you can continue to meditate with the help of breathing.

Here’re the 6 stages of Shiva meditation

  1. Preparation
Preparation For Meditation

Prepare your body and mind for the meditation. Your body needs to be stretched to de-stress your muscles so you don’t feel any stiffness or tension in the body. Stretch your entire body starting from shoulders to back and hips, buttocks, thighs, and feet. It is necessary to sit comfortably so you can focus on meditation.

How To:

• Move your body in different directions
• Try asanas like Paschimottanasana, Utthita Padahastasana, Baddha Konasana, and Vajrasana

Prepare your mind for meditation by completing all necessary tasks and turning all your gadgets off so you can meditate without any distraction. Wear comfortable clothes according to weather conditions and find a place where you can connect with nature.

The ideal place for meditation is where you can hear the sound of nature as the chirping of birds and wrestling of dried leaves. Make yourself comfortable at the place and focus on your internal energy.

  1. Sitting Position
Sitting Position Meditation

The benefits of meditation is that you can sit the way you feel comfortable. Here the focus is on comfort so you don’t feel stressed or tired as it can drain out energy and distract your attention.

How To:

• Sit down, on a chair, or leaned against a wall
• Keep your back as straight as possible according to your comfort, but not abnormally straight
• Place your hands in a convenient position like on your knees or clasped together and placed inside the inner thighs
• Or sit in the Sukhasana, Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana, or the Vajrasana pose

Note: Make sure you are comfortable in the sitting position. If you want, you are allowed to make minor adjustments in your sitting position to achieve the comfort level where you can sit for hours without getting distracted. When you have the right position, you can focus your energy on meditation.

  1. Breathing
Breathing Meditation

The meditation starts with breathing. First, you should control your breathing so you can feel the inner force. Breathing for meditation is an exercise as it will help maintain your focus and stay connected with your inner self.

How To:

• First, inhale counting 1-6
• Second, hold the breath for another 6 counts
• Third, exhale counting 1-6

Practice the breathing exercise until you enter into the stage of meditation. Feel how you breathe the fresh air and the air going in and staying in the body while you count 1-6 and then exhaling the air. And focus your attention on the breathing exercise whenever you feel disconnected.

You will feel positive energy filling your body as you inhale the fresh air and then experience the power of the energy when the air stays inside, and finally feel the oneness with nature when you exhale the air. It is the stage where you can drive your body and mind to meditate.

  1. Visualization
Visualization Of Lord Shiva

The breathing exercise will calm your nerves and still your body and mind so you can enter the stage of meditation. As you enter the meditation stage, you should focus your energy on the area between your eyebrows and visualize lord Shiva in whatever form or figure the god comes to your mind.

Figures Of Lord Shiva:

• Nataraja, the cosmic dancer
• Adiyoga, the meditating monk
• Ardhanarishwara – the embodiment of male-female aspects

Visualize his image to feel his presence and get completely taken by the aura of Shiva. It is the stage of oneness where you will think only of your inner self. You will feel the presence of Shiva inside and want to become one with his aura.

Also, keep breathing to prevent your concentration from wavering. The objective behind continuing the breathing exercise is to maintain an uninterrupted connection with Shiva.

  1. Chanting
Chanting Mantra

“Om Namah Shivaya” is the mantra to please Shiva and by chanting the mantra, you can call upon Shiva with reverence. But first, you should understand the real meaning of this mantra.

First, “Om” is the voice of creation, and when you utter “Om” you echo creation, life, and energy.

Second, “Namah Shivaya” is offering your devotion to Shiva. When you chant “Om Namah Shivaya”, you feel the aura of Shiva inside. Chanting the mantra will help you become one with nature.

Visualizing Shiva and chanting “Om Namah Shivaya” will make you one with Shiva. It is the stage of meditation that you need to maintain for as long as want.

  1. Blissing Out
Blissing Out

You are in the stage of absolute bliss where you have no clutter in the mind as you are connected with Shiva. You gain single-pointed focus with the breathing exercise. And now you want to come out of the stage

How To:

• Break the mediation first from inside
• Rub your palms together and place them on your eyes
• Slowly open your eyes to conclude the meditation

Here you will feel feather-light as a result of overcoming the stress and tension. Experience the calm and tranquility and the happy feeling that comes with it.

Benefits Of Shiva Meditation:

• Drive unnecessary thoughts from your mind
• Stabilize your blood pressure
• Help in weight loss and overcoming addiction
• Slow down the aging process
• Overcome all fears and phobias
• Improve memory and confidence
• Gain control over thoughts and relationships
• Deal with problems in a better way
• Discover the real purpose of your life

Final Thoughts

Meditation is an art, but Shiva meditation is a therapy for your body and mind. Here you visualize Shiva and feel his aura inside. Also, it is a yogic exercise as you sit in a specific pose to achieve the stage of meditation.

Disclaimer: The above information about benefits of meditation & stages of shiva meditation is only for educational purposes and readers are advised to meditate only under the guidance and supervision of an experienced teacher.

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