What Are Skin Benefits Of Isabgol?

Isabgol or psyllium husk is the most common home remedy for curing stomach problems especially constipation as it makes stool bulky and allows smooth passing of the stool. But it is just one of the many health benefits of Isabgol for skin.

Benefits of Isabgol for skin & different ailments


It is easier to manage constipation with Isabgol, which is a dietary fiber. Also, its ability to absorb and retain water makes the stool bulky and soft so that it passes smoothly. 

Benefits Of Isabgol For Skin


Management of piles is directly related to constipation. Acute constipation gives birth to hemorrhoids that is a painful condition. But Isabgol can reduce constipation and bleeding associated with piles.

High Cholesterol

Isabgol being a hypocholesterolemic can help in managing cholesterol level. It decreases absorption of bad cholesterol and increases breakdown of the deposited particles. 


Dietary fiber in Isabgol gives the feeling of fullness. Also, it keeps the colon clean and removes toxins responsible for obesity. The feeling of fullness prevents overeating.


Isabgol has antidiarrheal and anti-secretory properties that help in effective diarrhea management. It can block the calcium ion channels responsible for causing acute diarrhea.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Smooth passing of stool gives fast relief from painful irritable bowel syndrome. Also, Isabgol makes a protective lining in the stomach and this … Read More

Could Amla Cure Chronic Ailments Like Cancer?

Amla a.k.a. Indian gooseberry is a rich source of nutrients especially vitamin C. And it is great for digestion. Also, it brings fast relief from acidity and controls blood sugar level as well. Amla is also helpful in controlling signs of aging and untimely greying of hair. 

Advantages of Amla for different ailments


Amla has mild laxative properties that allow easy expulsion of stool. And its digestive fire helps manage indigestion.


Amla has appetizing and digestive properties that improve metabolism that in the long run reduces bulk weight.

High Cholesterol

Amla can help in controlling cholesterol as it can increase the level of PPAR-a, the main protein involved in reducing cholesterol level in the body.


Amla is helpful in bloody diarrhea by controlling bleeding and reducing contraction of the smooth muscles of the abdomen.


It is a painful condition of joints but Amla can prevent the disease from progressing by keeping the cartilage cushion between joints safe.

Joint Pain

Amla gives fast relief in joint pain by controlling swelling. It has properties that reduce inflammation and improve mobility. 


While there is little help available for acute pancreatitis, Amla gives hope as it can fight the free radicals and reduce the number of inflammatory mediators.


Amla can slow down the growth of cancerous cells … Read More

Amazing Health Benefits Of Giloy

Giloy a.k.a. Amrita or Guduchi is an herb good for many diseases including diabetes. Its heart-shaped leaves taste bitter but are very helpful in controlling blood sugar level and weight management. Also, drinking fresh Giloy juice builds immunity.

Advantages of Giloy for different ailments


Giloy has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties that make it suitable for treating dengue fever. Also, Giloy juice builds immunity by increasing platelet counts. 

Fever control

The anti-inflammatory and antipyretic Giloy is the best medicine for building body’s defense against infections. It also helps fight foreign bodies and thus promises early recovery.

Hay Fever

Giloy reduces the allergic symptoms of hay fever like sneezing, nasal discharge and itching and obstruction in nasal area. Also, it increases leukocyte counts to fight the infection.

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1&2

Giloy helps in controlling blood sugar level and its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties reduce diabetes related complications like ulcers, wounds and kidney damage.

Liver disease

Guduchi Satwa can cure liver damage due to an overdose of alcohol. An Ayurvedic formulation from Giloy, Guduchi Satwa can reduce total cholesterol level in liver. Also, it increases level of antioxidant enzymes that reduce damage by free radicals. 

Cancer treatment

Giloy contains anti-proliferative properties. It has rutin and quercetin compounds that can restrict cell proliferation due to breast cancer. It can induce cell … Read More

Drink Shilajit Black Tea Every Morning

Shilajit is an exudate from high mountain rocks of Himalayas and other high mountain ranges of the world including Russia and Mongolia where it is called Andean Shilajit. 

It is like a gummy substance formed by the gradual decomposition of plants for centuries and it contains more than 84 minerals and various acids including fulvic and humic. Shilajit has been used improving sexual power but it is also good for controlling fatigue and improving memory.

Advantages of Shilajit for different ailments

Fatigue control

Body gets energy from cells and fatigue occurs when cells don’t produce energy due to low function of mitochondria. Shilajit has fulvic and humic acds that trigger mitochondria and, in this way, help cells generate quick energy. It is for this reason that Shilajit is used as revitalizer. 

Alzheimer’s disease

Shilajit can be helpful in controlling development of Alzheimer’s disease as fulvic acid can slow down formation of amyloid plaques responsible for the disease. The amyloid plaques form due to an increase in amyloid beta protein. But fulvic acid can retard formation of plaques.

Respiratory tract infection

Shilajit can work like a medicine for children suffering from respiratory tract infection caused by HRSV virus. Shilajit has antiviral properties that make it suitable for curing viral infection. 

Cancer treatment

Chemotherapy is essential for treating cancer but the … Read More

Is There A Common Diet & Workout Plan For All People?

A good diet and workout plan could speed up weight loss and enhance energy level. But choosing the right diet plan is a challenge as there are many options available. 

For example, there are separate diet plans for vegans and different diets for non-vegetarians. Also, you can choose from a low-carb diet or low-fat diet depending on your needs.

Here’re 8 best and the most popular diet plans for health-conscious folks. You can go through each plan and choose one that suits your needs the best.  

1. Intermittent fasting

It is a dietary strategy that includes cycles of fasting and eating. And there are different methods for intermittent fasting. For example, take the 16/8 method that involves limiting calorie intake to 8 hours per day. Similarly, the 5:2 method limits the calorie intake to 500-600 calories twice per week.

Process: The objective is to restrict the eating time to cut calorie intake. There are periods of fasting and eating. And it leads to quick and significant weight loss unless the person compensates the calories by consuming high calories during the eating period.

Benefits: It slows down aging, increases insulin sensitivity, improves brain health and reduces inflammation. And it is safe for people of all ages.

Cons: In general it is safe for people to do fasting … Read More

Honey Cures Cough, Hay Fever, Diabetes And Infertility

Honey is a natural sweetener but it is best known for its medical benefits. In Ayurveda, it is called “Perfection of Sweet” and recommended as a home remedy for a number of problems especially dry and wet cough. Its advantage is that it can be mixed with anything from milk to juices and used as spreads on bread to cooked with recipes. 

Advantages of Honey for different ailments


Honey when taken with ginger juice can provide quick relief from both dry and web cough due to chest congestion. It releases the congestion by loosening the thick mucus.

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1&2)

Honey is a natural sweetener but it is healthy for diabetic people because of low glycemic index. Its impact on blood sugar remains lower in comparison to white sugar. Also, it improves serum insulin level and lowers insulin resistance. 

High Cholesterol

Honey has high antioxidant properties and it has polyphenols that help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and prevents its oxidation to reduce its level in the blood. Also, it improves good cholesterol (HDL). For better results, Honey should be taken with cinnamon powder 1 tsp twice daily after meals and for at least 2 months.


Honey can help in diarrhea due to its antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of bacteria that causes diarrhea. In diarrhea … Read More

Cinnamon Controls Diabetes, Coronary Artery, Menstrual Cramps and Acne

Cinnamon or Dalchini is used as a spice as well as an herb good for controlling diabetes, heart health and menstrual pain. It enhances uptake of glucose and in this way levels the sugar level in body. Its antioxidant properties lower bad cholesterol and the anti-spasmodic nature relieves menstrual pain. Also, its antibacterial properties make it a good medicine for treating acne. 

Advantages of Cinnamon for different ailments

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1&2)

Diabetic people should take Cinnamon powder in tea or coffee. They can also take Cinnamon powder on toast or in cereal. Cinnamon uptakes sugar intake by body. Also, it contains cinnamaldehyde that reduces the risk of diabetes by converting glucose to sorbitol.

Coronary artery disease

Arteries become narrow and hard due to deposition of plaque. Cinnamon reduces development of plaque in the arteries due to its antioxidant properties. Also, its anti-inflammatory property relaxes narrowed arteries by regulating blood pressure. A regular dose of Cinnamon is sufficient to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.

Allergic conditions

Cinnamon can relieve allergic symptoms when taken with honey. It can block the synthesis and release of pro-inflammatory mediators responsible for nasal allergy. Make a paste of Cinnamon powder and honey and take twice a day until relief is achieved.

Fungal infection

Cinnamon has antimicrobial property due to presence of cinnamaldehyde … Read More

13 Amazing Fruits You Will Love Eating

Think of fruit and you will visualize the fruits you have eaten or you know about. There are many fruits that could be new to you and you will certainly want to try these fruits once you know about them. For example, take Buddha’s Hand that is used as snacks and Jackfruit that is more like a meat supplement for vegetarian dishes. 

Here’re 13 most popular fruits of the world 

1. Sugar Apple

Sugar apple is widely cultivated in West Indies or tropical Americans on the Annona squamosal tree. It is called sugar apple, custard apple or sweetsop due to its creamy white flesh and sweet custard taste.

2. Cacao

It gives cocoa beans for chocolate but it is also a delicious fruit to eat. It has seeds covered with edible white flesh under its yellowish orange exterior cover. You need to crack open the fruit to get the seeds.

3. Rambutan

Part of the soapberry family, this red and hairy fruit has white sweet flesh. It received its name from Malay word “rambut” that means hair. Rambutan is native to Indonesia but it is also found in other tropical regions of South-East Asia.

4. Buddha’s Hand 

This fruit has fingers protruding from the base and it is used for religious offerings in Buddhist temples. It is a citrus … Read More

Indians Call Ajwain Leaves The Thousand Utility Leaf

Ajwain or carom is a popular herb but used as a spice for its medicinal values. Recognized by a strong aroma, Ajwain seeds increases flavor and improve digestion. They are added to dal-tadka, paranthas and desi-drinks. But little information is available about Ajwain leaves. 

Indian Borage is the plant whose leaves are used as Ajwain leaves as they have the same aroma and medicinal value as the carom seeds. Grown in kitchen garden, Indian Borage gives broad and pulpy bright green leaves with a fine layer of soft hair atop. 

These leaves smell like Ajwain seeds and could be used like carom seeds. They are called ‘saveer sambar soppu,’ in Kannada. It stands for ‘thousand utility leaf.’

1. Ayurvedic cough syrup

Boil a few Ajwain leaves in a cup of water on low flame until it is reduced to about three-fourths of the total quantity. Let it cool down before consuming. Also, you can add 1 tsp honey to it. Drink the Ayurvedic syrup to get rid of pesky cough.

2. Ajwain Pakodas

Add Ajwain leaves to spiced besan (gram flour) and batter it until the leaves set deep inside the battered besan. Now deep fry the pakodas and serve them hot with yogurt or chutney.

3. Chutneys and dips

Add sautéed Ajwain leaves to creamy yogurt … Read More

Hidden Benefits Of Ajwain For Liver, Kidney, Heart And Joints

Recognized by its strong aroma and pungent flavor, it is difficult to mistake Ajwain or carom seeds for any other herb. Also, it is called Ugragandha in Sanskrit due to its bitter odor. But it is widely consumed in India despite having a tough aromatic essence and also ajwain good for fatty liver, kidney heart & Joints.

Rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, Ajwain benefits for fatty liver and has many other health benefits ranging from digestive system to healthy joints. And it can be added to anything including tea and water. You can even chew Ajwain seeds raw.

Here’re the benefits of Ajwain for Fatty Liver, Kidney, Heart and Joints

1. Indigestion and acidity

The biggest reason of adding Ajwain seed to food is its active enzymes that boost digestive functions by facilitating release of gastric juices. Mix 1 tsp of carom seed with 1 tsp of cumin seed and 1/2 tsp of ginger powder and take it daily, if you have heartburn.  

Ajwain Good For fatty Liver

2. Common cold

Ajwain can give fast relief from nasal blockage and respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis. It can even help with migraine headaches. Prepare a paste of carom seeds and jaggery and take 2 tsp twice a day to improve common cold conditions. To cure migraine, inhale the aroma of Ajwain powder. … Read More