Jumping Jacks Exercise Is Beneficial For Lungs & Heart & Strengthens The Entire Body, It Is Best For Burning Extra Calories

Prisoner Squat Jumps Is Best Exercise For Quads, Calves, Mid Abs, Glutes & Hamstrings, Since It Is A Modified Version Of Squats

Lunge Jumps Exercise Helps In Burning Calories & Is Also Best For toning Leg Muscles & Improving Balance

Bicycle Crunches Helps To Built A Strong Core & Burn Fat From The Abdominal Area, This Simple Exercise Can Be Done At home 

Wall Push-Ups Exercise Is Best For Your Biceps & It Strengthen Your Core & Lats, This Exercise Is Also Beneficial For Arms & Chest

Donkey Kicking Exercise Build Your Endurance & Coordination, Beneficial For Shoulders, Hamstrings & Quads