12 Ways To Rid Your Skin Of Moles

Moles are pigmented cells on the skin. Since they look dark, they are considered ugly. And people try different ways to remove those ugly moles. The good thing is that there are proven home remedies for mole removal. If you have one, you can try these methods.

Causes Of Moles

Moles can appear anywhere on your face, neck, arms, and even legs. In some cases, they can also be found on the scalp, toes, and beneath the nails. Following are the reasons for moles.

• Production of excess melanin
• Excessive exposure to the sunlight
• The overactivity of the oil glands
• Some moles are present by birth while others develop due to hormonal changes during puberty

Whatever is the reason for your moles, you can easily remove them from your face, neck, and arms to get flawless skin.

Let’s discuss the home remedies for mole removal.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar For Mole Removal

The acid content of the ACV will dry up the mole and turn it into a scab that will eventually disappear. But the acid could cause scarring.


• Apple Cider Vinegar
• Cotton Ball
• Scotch Tape or Band-Aid

How To:

• Soak the cotton ball in vinegar and place it over the mole
• Use a scotch tape to hold it in its place
• Leave it for up to six hours
• Repeat the process until the mole turns into a scab

Black Salve

Black salve ointment contains bloodroot herb and is considered a remedy for unwanted skin growth like moles and large freckles. But there is no scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness.


• Black Salve Ointment

How To:

• Apply the ointment to the mole and cover it with a Band-Aid
• Repeat the process after every 12 hours
• Do it for a couple of days

Baking Soda And Castor Oil

Baking Soda And Castor Oil For Moles

Baking soda dries the mole and castor oil helps in healing the dried skin. It can cause redness and inflammation on the skin but there is little to worry about as the inflammation will subside with time.


• Baking Soda (half-tsp)
• Castor Oil (2-3 drops)
• Band-Aid or Adhesive Tape

How To:

• Make a paste of baking soda and castor oil
• Apply it to the mole
• Cover it with a Band-Aid and leave it overnight
• Repeat it every night

Banana Peel

Banana Peels

Banana peel has the enzymes and acids that can eliminate moles. Also, it won’t cause dry skin.


• Banana Peel
• Scotch Tape

How To:

• Cut a small piece from a banana peel and place it on the mole with the inside of the peel over the mole
• Secure it in place with a scotch tape
• Leave it overnight
• Repeat it until the mole vanishes

Frankincense Oil

Frankincense Oil For Moles

Frankincense Oil contains astringent properties that can absorb the excess oil, tighten the skin around the mole, and dry it out. They will eventually fall off like a scab.


• Frankincense Oil (1-2 drops)

How To:

• Take the oil on your fingers and apply it gently over the ole
• Leave it to dry
• Repeat it 3-4 times daily

Garlic Used For Mole Removal At Home

Garlic Used For Mole Removal At Home

Garlic has the enzymes that dissolve the cells forming moles. It will turn a mole into a scab and let it fall off. But garlic could cause skin burns.


• Garlic (1 clove)
• A Piece Of Cotton Cloth

How To:

• Crush the garlic into a paste
• Apply it to the mole and cover it with the cotton cloth
• Leave it overnight
• Do it several times for three weeks

Iodine Best Home Remedies For Mole Removal

Iodine Best Home Remedies For Mole Removal

Iodine is effective on moles and its regular application can cause the moles to flake out but you need to be careful while using iodine. First, it is only for topical use and the second is to discontinue its use if you experience a burning sensation. Also, avoid applying iodine on broken skin.


• Iodine
• Petroleum Jelly

How To:

• Apply petroleum jelly on the skin around the more for protection against iodine
• Apply a drop of iodine directly over the mole
• Repeat it two times a day for a week or until the mole disappears

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can a mole become lighter with time with its skin bleaching and astringent properties.


• Lemon Juice
• Cotton Ball
• Adhesive Tape

How To:

• Soak the cotton ball in lemon juice
• Place it over the mall and secure it with a tape
• Leave it for 20 minutes
• Repeat it once or twice a day

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has antioxidants. Also, it is a good healing agent. It can remove a mole but there is no scientific study to support this claim.


• Oregano Oil (1-2 drops)
• Castor Oil (1-2 drops)

How To:

• Mix two oils to make a solution
• Apply it to the mole
• And don’t wash it off
• Repeat 2-3 times daily

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil For Moles

Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antimicrobial properties that can cure moles. But the claim lacks scientific data. Also, you should know that tea tree oil is very potent hence it is better to apply it to the affected area.


• Tea Tree Oil
• Cotton Swab

How To:

• Soak the cotton ball in tea tree oil
• Put the swab on the mole
• Keep it on for as long as possible
• Repeat it 2-3 times daily for three weeks


Potato For Mole Removal

Potato is a natural bleaching agent that can lighten and eventually fade the mole.


• Potato (a small piece)

How To:

• Cut a piece from a potato and rub it on the mole
• Leave the potato juice on the mole
• Do it two times a day
• Or you can place the potato piece on the mole with a tape
• The mole will fall off as the potato decomposes

Coconut Oil Is Best For Mole Removal At Home

Coconut Oil Is Best Home Remedies

Coconut oil can reduce the size of a mole, and improve the texture, and skin hydration. But there is no scientific study done on the efficacy of coconut oil for removing moles.


Virgin Coconut Oil

How To:

• Apply coconut oil to the mole
• Leave it on the mole
• Do it daily morning and evening

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only and readers are advised to be cautious about potential side effects of home remedies.

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