10 Choline Rich Foods You Should Add To Your Diet

Including choline-rich food in your diet will have a positive impact on your cardiovascular health, cognitive ability, and protection against cancer. Choline is a micronutrient found in both animals and plants. The human body also produces this micronutrient but in limited amounts.

Choline micronutrient is necessary for everyone including toddlers and adults. But the requirement of choline varies according to age group. Depending on your age, you can increase your intake of choline.

Choline-Rich Foods

  1. Whole Eggs
Whole Eggs

One large egg with yolk contains 147 mg of choline. Also, the egg yolk has phospholipids that improve choline absorption by the human body. According to studies, choline is easier to consume in its natural form than as a supplement. Adding eggs to your breakfast will increase your choline intake.

  1. Fish

Seafood is a great source of choline. Fish like tuna, salmon, and haddock have rich choline content – three ounces of smoked salmon packs 187 mg of choline. Also, fish nutrients improve vitamin D concentration and DHA (omega-3 fatty acids). If you love seafood, you can consider salmon for your dinner.

  1. Organ Meat
Organ Meat

The choline content of organ meat can fulfill your choline requirement. Consuming 90g of meat per day with eggs once per three days and milk products is sufficient to fulfill the choline need of children. In organ meat, beef liver contains 359 mg of choline followed by chicken liver (247 mg), turkey (71.7 mg), and chicken broiler (56 mg).

  1. Soy

Raw soybean is a rich source of choline – 100g of soybeans contain 116 mg of choline. If you are vegetarian, you can increase your intake of soy products like tofu, soy milk, tempeh, and edamame. Look for more options to add soy to your diet.

  1. Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous Vegetables 1

Vegetarian people have more choices in food. They can take broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. Choline content in 107g chopped cauliflower is 47.4 mg followed by 31.2 mg in 160g cooked Brussels sprouts and 17 mg in 91g chopped broccoli.

  1. Potatoes

Potato is also a rich source of choline as a 173g medium-size potato contains 24.9 mg of choline. But red potatoes have carbs as well. One 138g baked potato contains 26.1 mg of choline. Having roasted potatoes for breakfast is a great idea. Also, you can take fried potatoes as quick snacks.

  1. Beans

Vegans can also rely on beans for choline. 170g of immature lima beans contain 75 mg of choline and 100g of kidney beans have 30.5 mg of choline. Beans are good for everyone. If you are a vegan, you can add beans to your diet to get more choline.

  1. Shiitake Mushrooms
Shiitake Mushrooms

The flavor-rich shiitake mushrooms can enhance the nutritional value of soups, pasta, and stir-fries. They are immunity boosters and they can reduce inflammatory markers. These mushrooms also contain anti-oxidative and anti-atherosclerotic properties that can help your cardiovascular health.

  1. Cottage Cheese
Cottage Cheese

Low-fat milk and cottage cheese make great food – 210g of cottage cheese contains 38.6 mg of choline. Also, it provides calcium which is good for maintaining bone health. Cottage cheese can be added to salads, baked items, and smoothies. Also, it can be an alternative to sour cream.

  1. Almonds

Almonds nuts can fulfill your daily need for choline – 141g of unroasted almonds have 73.5 mg of choline. You can add almonds to your smoothies to make them more nutritious and delicious. Also, almonds can be consumed directly as quick snacks.

Fruits can also give you choline. The choline content of a half-cup of raw kiwi and chopped raw apples is 7 mg and 2 mg respectively. You should take a choline-rich diet to have the following benefits.

Health Benefits Of Choline

  1. Improves Brain Function

Choline is an essential nutrient as it improves the cognitive function of the brain. But its deficiency could lead to impaired cognitive ability and problems like memory loss and Alzheimer’s. Women expecting pregnancy should increase their choline intake to improve fetal brain development. Aging can reduce your cognitive ability and increasing your choline intake is the only way to maintain the cognitive power of your brain.

  1. Boosts Heart Health

Choline is good for cardiovascular health as it reduces the risk of inflammatory conditions and heart ailments. It can also help your heart by reducing blood pressure and changing lipid profiles. But more research needs to be done on the effect of choline intake and heart health. Increasing choline intake is a great way to boost your cardiovascular health. It will keep you fit in advanced age.

  1. Reduces Breast Cancer

Some studies on choline suggest that it could help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer among post-menopausal women and the mortality rate. But the studies done on this subject are minimal. Women going through menopause should be careful about the risk of breast cancer. They should add choline to their diet to prevent the development of breast cancer.

Choline deficiency can impact your overall health in the long run. Here’re the negative effects of choline deficiency.

• This micronutrient plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis, metabolism, and maintaining the integrity of cell structure. In studies, it is found that expectant moms run the risk of the neural tube and oral cleft defects in their babies due to choline deficiency.

• Choline deficiency could also lead to liver and muscle dysfunction. Also, it increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Also, it increases the risk of DNA strand breaks.

Final Thoughts

Increasing choline intake can help maintain overall health especially cardiovascular health. Also, it will improve brain function and prevent the development of memory loss. And you can easily add choline to your diet. Since this micronutrient is available in poultry, meat, chicken, vegetables, and fruits, you can get both flavor and nutrition. For choline intake, you should rely more on natural sources instead of supplements as it is easier to absorb choline in its natural form than in supplements.

Disclaimer: The above-mentioned information is for educational purposes only and the readers are advised to consult their dieticians before adding any food item to their diet.

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